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Information for Kenielle Kinney, a Registered Child Development Home B in Des Moines IA:

Provider Name: Kenielle Kinney
Approximate Location: Indianapolis AVE, DES MOINES IA 50317
Contact Phone: (515) 779-2775
License Number: 27574
Capacity: 12
Rate Range: Infant (up to 24 months) Half-Day/12.98| Infant (up to 36 months) Half-Day/12.98| Preschool (24 to Kindergarten) Half-Day/12.98| Preschool (36 to Kindergarten) Half-Day/12.98| School Age (K and up) Half-Day/12.98
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday, Saturday
Normal Open Hours: 6:00AM - 11:59PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Reviews: There are 4 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Former Customer on 2020-10-21 23:26:16
Comment: We took our child out of her daycare ever since the weird guy starting living there. He looks at me weird everytime I pick up my daughter. He appears to be on drugs and plays loud bass music from his car in the driveway. Just a weird situation.
Rated 5 star by Kenielle Kinney on 2020-03-12 03:01:07
Comment: Let’s clarify my dogs are not aggressive they are puppies they bark at anyone and everyone that approached the house but very friendly when you got close enough for them to lick an jump on you they just turned a year old they’re Great Dane mix pups so yes they’re big but all the children play with them no aggression shown towards the kids or I wouldn’t have them in my daycare home now that they’re older they are caged up in the back yard so there’s no reason for anyone to to feel threatened by them for any reason. I’ve never had any complaints about my pups or my care of the children I’ve been in business 15 yrs always had a friendly dog or two the animals doesn’t stop the quality car I give the children we laugh we play we learn we have fun that’s all that matter not the barking dogs because they’re everywhere!
Rated 5 star by Happy client on 2020-03-12 02:46:27

She is an awesome provider her dogs are not aggressive they are puppies and they bark at anyone they don’t know until you walk up on them and they let you pet them so the aggression is not true so we don’t want lies out there on a great provider yes they are big dogs because they are great Dane cane Corso puppies but they are not aggressive at all the kids play with them on a regular basis so there’s no aggression I would like to make that clear they are very friendly dogs but yes they bark at everyone until you get close to them to pet them that’s just a natural dog instinct. She has been in business for 15 years and there are no complaints on the care that she gives the children including my own I know lots of people that have used her services for five years plus none of her kids have been short term kids.

Rated 1 star by Concerned on 2019-11-09 16:45:51
Comment: Has very large dogs that bark all the time and are very aggressive towards anyone.
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