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Information for MS. TEE'S LIL ANGELS, a Four Star Family CC Home License in Charlotte NC:

Provider Name: MS. TEE'S LIL ANGELS
Approximate Location: 8508 IDLEWILD ROAD, CHARLOTTE NC 28227
Contact Phone: (704) 506-1633
License Number: 60003405
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0 through 12
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: Two Star Family CC Home License
Reviews: There are 5 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Terri Varnett Jackson on 2019-09-20 16:06:05
Comment: I have taught at Ms. Tee's daycare over the past five years. I am currently pursuing my Master's Degree in Business and Administration, and I have a BA in English and Business Administration. The facility is clean and neat and beautiful. The owners purchase an enormous amount of educational material to help school the students. The transportation service is very efficient. Mrs. Tee purchased a new van for her services. The children are well fed and rested. Her husband is a good guy and the children are very safe with him. I've have seen every area of her daycare. The Kitchen is clean, the den has the audio and tv for the kids to learn as well as exercise via technology. Mrs.Tee adds tables and chairs in the den so that the children are seated and taught lessons and dine. When the tables and chairs are not there, the children sit in circles. There are car seats there for infants and toddlers, but no child is entrapped for hours at a time. The children are released to play and be held. The main classroom is filled with an enormous amount of school material. The children are loving and happy. Ms. Tee's Lil Angels childcare is a good fit for more than ninety-five percent of the people who entrust her and her husband with the care of their children. Even the investigation into her daycare regarding the smoking of Cannabis was unsubstantiated. As I said before, Mrs. Tee fixed her transportation problem, and her husband has passed all background checks and is a good guy and compliant. I give her a 5 rating as she is always innovating rapidly to improve her services and the client's experience.
Rated 5 star by Kayla on 2019-05-13 22:25:51
Comment: I would always recommend this daycare . Best provider I ever had. My kids love coming here. My child has learned so much since being here. I have never had a problem with them.
Rated 1 star by anonymous_mother on 2019-02-26 22:31:37

I would give ZERO stars if I could. This is NOT a center you want to take you children. It is a home/daycare. She does NOT keep the two separate, but actually keeps children lined up in front of the TV in her personal living room. I have witnessed it at least a handful of times. Each time she had an excuse so I told her I was going o take my child out of the daycare. THEN I caught her husband smoking WEED around the children like it was no big deal. I immediately pulled him from her site, where she tried to call the police on me because I had to follow her throughout the house in order to find my child. She tried claiming I was "trespassing" when I had to ask her 6 times where my child was & she ignored me, so I walked right behind her throughout her home until I found my child. Lined up in an entrapment device with 5 other kids in front of the TV. When my child went to her, she was one teacher, so she is legally only allowed to have 5 kids as the ratio is 1:5. Sometimes she even had 8 children at once. I even asked her about the 6 year old climbing in/on the pack & play that another child was sleeping in & she yelled at me stating its none of my business. It is also illegal to keep a child in an entrapment device for longer than 10 mins. I called & reported her right away, but apparently she is still in business. DISGUSTING. She needs to be gone through with a fine toothed comb & her husband needs to be drug tested regularly if hes going remain on the property while kids are being taken care of. I could go on & on about this center. MUCH more detail than I am providing here. Trust me.

Rated 1 star by Ebony Butler on 2016-11-04 20:57:32

The facility was very nice at least the part that I was allowed to see. The owner is untrustworthy and refused to even look me directly in my eyes. Her husband seemed nice but the horror stories I've heard with childcare made me unsure with trusting him around my daughter who is a toddler. They never discussed with me what kind of day she had or what she learned. The first thing the owner asked about was payment the moment I picked my baby up Friday afternoon and how I would get a late fee if I didn't pay that day. I was so disgusted and taken aback considering payments would have never been an issue on my end. When I mentioned to her when I come back to pay I would like to be given a full tour of the facility and I would like to come all the way in when dropping and picking my child up she got upset. I also told her her husband seemed nice but I didn't trust him around my daughter considering I don't know him she terminated my child from her center. I had no issue with him being the owner but he would come carrying my baby to the door to me and that made me uncomfortable. I just prefer a women handling my daughter. If you are a parent that truly cares about your child well being this isn't the place to come.. they only want your money and are very secretive untrustworthy people. I rate it zero stars.

Rated 1 star by Denise on 2014-11-28 05:45:04
Comment: I reached out to this child care center in September 2014 because I noticed they offered 2nd shift care. When I called, I expressed that I needed someone that can pick my son up from school and keep him until I get off work around 10ish. Misty Hollaway told me that wouldn't be a problem, but before I made a rash decision to get my son started, I spoke with Misty over the phone several times, met with her in person with my son and made a decision about 2 weeks later. She told me that her husband picks up the kids and she stays at the house. She said that she didn't have a problem making sure that my son did his homework and that he would be able to take a bath and get in bed around 8:30. Everything seemed like it was going to be a great fit so I got my son started. Misty and her husband had 2 SUV, I think suburbans. About a week after my son started, I noticed they purchased a black ford mustang. Not that I care what they drive or purchase, but I pick up my son on a Thursday night (November 13, 2014) like normal and said my good nights. I received a TEXT MESSAGE from Misty Hollaway Friday, November 14, 2014 at 7:10am that stated "(1/2) Due to my inconsistency of my own transportation vehicle repair problems. Iam unable tosafely transport children. I have spent thousands of dollars in rep (2/2) airs. Iam sorry for the inconvience." Are you kidding me? That was a cowardly, unprofessional way of telling me, especially when I picked my son up the night before and NOTHING was said about transportation problems. And if you've been experiencing vehicle problems and have spent THOUSANDS of dollars, why did you accept the job? Very dissatisfied with the tasteless, cowardly, and unprofessional way this child care provider handles business. It's basically false advertising. Even when a child care center tells you they can offer transportation, have a back up plan.
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