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Information for Rodriguez, Evelyn, a Group Family Day Care in Bronx NY:

Provider Name: Rodriguez, Evelyn
Approximate Location: 841 Jackson Avenue, Apt. PH, 1st Floor, Bronx NY 10456
Contact Phone: (718) 306-7093
License Number: 492292
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 3/31/2011;
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Samantha D. on 2018-06-01 00:30:01
Comment: What can I say about Evelyn's Daycare? My daughter has been there since she was 3 months old. My LO is 2.5 now, and we don't even call it daycare. It's "Nana's House". The first day I returned to work after maternity leave was the hardest day of my life, but when I picked her up I received a full play by play of her day and how she behaved and even her nap schedule! For two years, I have had nothing but the best experience with Evelyn and her daughter Kayla. My LO loves them so much that when one is not around, she is visibly sad for a moment and asks all day for them. I have seen Kayla return from vacation and have an actual minute or two long hug with my daughter and other kids, crying tears of joy because she has missed them so much. And the feeling is always mutual! They have become family to her and I cannot express how grateful I am for their love, patience and care. They've worked with my through my breastfeeding stages (which was emotional for me, pumping almost 4 times a day) and even when I was making the baby all her lunches and being super picky about what vegetables she ate and how organic they were, blah blah. That lasted a while, until I realized that Evelyn COOKS DAILY MEALS for them. Breakfast and lunch, and even healthy muffins! She cooks a huge pot of rice or whatever the lunch is that day, super early in the morning so it's ready to warm up and eat when it's time. My daughter tells me she eats pancakes, eggs, oatmeal, and fruits for breakfasts. My kid loves Soy milk and Almond milk thanks to them and even vegan meat! They provide veggies daily with their lunches and are even on to trying salads now :) I NEVER worry about whether or not my girl ate or how well she is being fed. ANOTHER PLUS?! She teaches all of the kids. TOGETHER. Evelyn is a former school teacher and has the kids set with a daily routine. Circle time, structured and unstructured play, snack times, nap, and they work on numbers, days of the week, PLANETS!?, shapes and MORE. All in a well planned out order and in a way that the kids WANT to learn. They keep it fun for the children and it shows when my kid tells me from looking at a picture, what planet Jupiter is and tells me all the words that start with the letter M. I mean it's quality Pre-K service for all ages and at an amazing rate! At 15 months, my daughter was spelling her name. Before 2, she was reading 3 letter sight words. I can't help but brag to all of my friends how ahead she is academically and socially! She knows to share, she says please and thank you all on her own (which at 2 is almost unheard of!) My husband jokes that he doesn't even want to send her to kindergarten because she already gets all her education here; we have already decided she doesn't need Pre-K! (and she wouldn't be the first child to do this. When we started, out LO was with kids who stood through 5 years old.) My daughter is well socialized with children of all ages and it shows in her verbal and socio-emotional skills (She is 2 though- so she has moments as they all do). She has a best friend there who has been with her since around the same age. They are literally inseparable! To this day, I receive almost daily pictures of my baby girl while I am at work and it is often a struggle to get her to want to come home! But I'm glad because that means she loves it there and trusts them, and I do too. This is ALL thanks to Evelyn's Group Family Daycare! While I cannot speak on behalf of others, I know that I personally recommend this daycare to anyone because my experience has been nothing but the best. Even the parents that I know whom have moved on because their kiddos have aged out have all said the same to me when I was still trying to feel out the place. Evelyn, Kayla, and you too Iris we love you!
Rated 5 star by montalvo on 2013-02-13 23:34:31

Very loving and the best!!!

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