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California Child Daycare >> Kern County Home Daycare >> BACKYARD ADVENTURES HOME DAY CARE


Approximate Location: NETTLE PLACE, BAKERSFIELD CA 93308
Contact Phone: (661) 205-3590
License Number: 153806068
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Tiffanie Clark on 2016-07-26 18:18:37
Comment: This is by far the worst provider I have taken my kids to yet. She has no business fostering children or caring for them. She keeps her foster son locked away in his room while she has daycare kids which is listed from 1am till 11:59pm. You can here her yelling at the kids through the door when you come to pick them up. If you have a child that is small and can not tell you for themselves what is going on then do not take them here. My children are school aged so I knew if something happened they would tell me. This woman is in it for the money only and cares nothing for the kids. Everyday I go to pick up my kids, and there is always a small child or infant strapped into a highchair, play pen or in a fenced in area about 4 foot by 4 foot and they are usually crying non stop and I have NEVER seen her pick them up. She claims the parents hold them too much so that's why they cry all the time, and she is just letting them cry it out cause they have to "get use to it" since she is unwilling to coddle them whatsoever. Maybe if you would pick them up and show them some attention they would't always be crying. She use to be a correctional officer, so that should tell you her demeanor with the kids. I'm not even sure why she would name her daycare Backyard Adventures, when the kids NEVER go outside, and I mean NEVER. My kids asked if they could go play instead of being inside watching TV all day and she refused to let them go out there. WTH? She sits and fold laundry and bakes things for her bake sales all day instead of doing things with the kids. She uses the TV as a babysitter while she gets paid to do her housework. My kids hated it there and as soon as I found someone else to take them I got them out of there. I feel sorry for her foster son and any other little kids in her care. Just cause he has ADD doesn't mean he should be locked up and deprived of human interaction. She is not a very loving person and doesn't seem to like kids much. She doesn't even have ride on toys or anything outside for the kids to play with which just proves that the TV is on all day and they never go outside. Don't bring your kid late either or they won't get fed lunch. My son was starving when I picked him up because she refused to give him lunch since he came 30 min after her lunch time which is 11am in the morning. Any other daycare would set a plate aside for them or at the least feed them a meal if they didn't have one prepared. So my advice would be to keep looking there are far better providers out there with the same hours and who care about children not just the pay check. I don't think ANY of the kids have been there in her care long, her turn around on new parents is crazy. Seemed like a new one leaves each week, and she puts another in their place. Not sure how she stays in business, but you should check licensing too she has a record.
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