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Information for Sugar 'N' Spice Family Childcare, a Licensed Family Child Care in Green Bay WI:

Provider Name: Sugar 'N' Spice Family Childcare
Approximate Location: Langlade Ave, GREEN BAY WI 54304
Contact Phone: 9208840973
License Number: 1001634
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 6 Week(s) - 10 Year(s)
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 6:30AM - 6:30PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: 2 stars. Initial License Date: 5/7/1999. Open Jan- Dec.
Reviews: There are 4 reviews for this provider.
Rated 4 star by live across st on 2022-12-07 13:47:04

very respectful person always waves and says hi. the families for the most part respect the parked cars on the street and are curteous. she keeps her yard up and there is never any trouble or police calls as stated in other reviews. I lived here for over 30 yrs and no problems. the disgruntled person who wrote the previous review should really review those police calls because we are a quiet neighborhood with no problems.

Rated 5 star by pmspdc on 2022-12-06 19:24:02

In >response to kara and jay Mathu review. Fact of the matter is kara mathu is an upset mother that acted before thinking and is now trying very hard to get my license revoked because she lost her temper and now does not have affordable childcare. Not only did she try to get licensing to revoke me (They did come out to check her complaint and it was unfounded by licensing), she wanted me to sign a form she had from her employer (Georgia pacific), for pre-taxed childcare after the time expired trying to get money out of her company after the dates her child was no longer in attendance. This is why she is truly upset. I have many references and many good families that can attest I do good things and have the best interest of the children in mind. Anyone with questions should call and find out what we are all about and all the good things and smart kids i send out into the world/

Rated 1 star by JKRM on 2022-09-24 01:50:18

Do not recommend Pam at her in home daycare as she is very unprofessional and does not have the best interest for the kids. Reason why we decided to leave is she was extremely ill, but decided to stay open. When I picked my son up I was unaware of how sick she was, and I proceeded to ask her why she was open and Pam started yelling at me. She blamed the kids that they got her sick, she was coughing in a cup so the kids can’t get sick and she couldn’t move from the couch to the kitchen without her inhaler/breathing treatment. Also note that the yelling and some cursing happened in front of the kids. I left absolutely stunned with what happened and decided to text that night that my son will not be returning and this is our 2 week notice. Pam then stated our 2 week notice did not start until the following week since we have already prepaid through that week (it was Wednesday). Do not suggest, do your research on the police calls at her address.

Rated 5 star by Kate on 2014-05-16 01:36:11
Comment: Having a happy baby in child care equals a happy Mom. I give this gal two thumbs up!!
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