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Information for MINDS IN MOTION CHILDCARE, a family daycare home in New Milford CT:

Approximate Location: 458 DANBURY RD UNIT D6, NEW MILFORD CT 06776
Contact Phone: 203-746-5994
Website: https://www.nfbrightbeginnings.com/
Description: Our primary goal is providing families with quality childcare in a warm, safe happy environment - a place where you can leave your child, confident that he or she is receiving outstanding care and enjoying a positive, stimulating learning experience.
License Number: Child Care Center
Capacity: 48
Age Range: 6 weeks-12 years
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 6:30am - 6:30pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Pre-School, School Age
Transportation: School Transportation
Additional Information: Education Level(s): Elementary Education, Bachelor's Degree, Early Childhood Education, Master's Degree, Associates Degree; Special Needs Experience: ADD/ADHD, Hearing Impairment;
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Martine on 2015-10-11 00:42:13
Comment: I informed the school that my son's name had been called off a wait list at another school and we were THINKING of sending him. I wanted to know if we could get out money back. I wrote them a check that paid for Sept-Jan. I asked Susan Hamilton, the director, what the policy was for refunds and she told me that I would have to speak with Mary Arnold, the owner/executive director. NEVER heard from her. On Oct 8, 2015 I dropped my son off and when I returned I was told by his teacher that Mary and Susan were looking for me. When I walked into the lobby with all THREE of my children, Mary was standing in her office and came to the door holding an envelope. As I approached her she proceeded to fling the envelope at me. Her exact words were "I do not want anyone here that does not want to be here". I was in shock. I never once said that I was not happy at the school. I asked why she was saying that to me, her response was she could not believe that I was taking my son out of program in Oct to jockey him to another program. I told her that she did not have the right to criticize my parenting. I was making a decision to do what I felt was best for MY child. the amount of the check was only for Nov-Jan which meant she was keeping all of Oct. I asked her why Oct was not prorated? I was told that she would not do that for me. One of her reasons was because she had never met another parent who would pull their child from a school in Oct and because of that I was not worthy of getting all my money back. She also said that it would be too difficult for her to go back and count the days and she would not do that for someone like me. I asked Mary to please show me the policy regarding refunds. Her response was I could take her court, but I would never win. She said that she has the right to keep whatever she wants and it is not her policy to give any refunds. As if that was not enough, I was berated even further when she told me that she went around and asked the other mom's in my son's class about what I was doing and they all felt the same way which is that I am a horrible mom. A true mother, never mind someone that considers herself a child care professional, would ever speak to another mother the way she did to me.
Rated 5 star by Jayme Lee on 2014-05-06 22:33:47
Comment: I have been working at New Fairfield Bright Beginnings for a little over a year now. I have 10 years in child care experiance at various centers and by far this is the best center I have seen and worked at. The teachers here give 100% to every child, they all have strong work ethics and they strive to make the center feel like a safe and welcoming environment for your child. The center is very clean and all state regulations are followed. It really is a pleasant place to work and a fabulus place for children 3 mo and up to learn and grow. I am expecting my first child in June, and I can not wait for her to start attending school here. It is just a great center!
Rated 5 star by Franca Scalzo on 2014-05-06 12:42:27
Comment: I love working here and I this is my second home, my co-workers are very helpful and my bosses are very caring and understanding.
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