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Information for EDUCATION CENTER OF UNITED METHODIST CHURCH, a family daycare home in New Milford CT:

Approximate Location: 68 DANBURY RD, NEW MILFORD CT 06776
Contact Phone: 203-205-7840
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Hats-Off-to-Kids/161737817189123
Description: Our philosophy is that children are unique individuals with innate talent. We strive to encourage the growth of that talent in all aspects of the child's life. We have a focus on helping our children to develop strong character traits such as Courage, Good Judgment, Honesty, Fairness, Perseverance, Respect, Responsibility, Citizenship, Generosity, Self-Discipline, Acceptance and Compassion as we believe these traits are factors, which along with a quality education that will propel them to success in life.
License Number: Child Care Center
Capacity: 133
Age Range: 6 weeks-12 years
Rate Range: Preschool (3 - 5 years) - $195

Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, Portuguese, Spanish
Type of Care: Pre-School, School Age, Under Three
Additional Information: Education Level(s): Bachelor's Degree, Early Childhood Education, Master's Degree, Associates Degree; Special Needs Experience: ADD/ADHD, Behavioral Problems, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Hearing Impairment, Mental Retardation, Physical Disabilities, Speech/Language Impairment;
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Daiane Cassoli on 2014-08-27 02:34:07
Comment: I am the parent of a son the little 3" room who has nothing but remarkable comments to make about the center. My son's development has flourished since being there. Every day he comes home proudly showing us everything new he has learned at school, whether it be new song or new animal sounds, his daily advancements amaze me. The teachers and staff there are friendly, caring, and attentive to my child's needs. The center is always immaculate and welcoming. Additionally, before sending my son out other centers around town and nothing compared to the price or education offered there . I always recommend this center to family and friends and have nothing but great things to say. If you are looking for child care in danbury area, this is the place.The Learning Experience is simply exceptional. Mrs. Greene and Mrs .susana treats my son with love and respect like a family!!! Mrs Quimby (the owner) is a such great lady,she had always helped me with Luka and my questions!!! GREAT PEOPLE
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