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Information for EAST HAMPTON NURSERY SCHOOL, a family daycare home in East Hampton CT:

Approximate Location: 111 MAIN ST, EAST HAMPTON CT 06424
Contact Phone: 860-267-2681
Website: http://www.easthamptonnurseryschool.com/index.html
Description: For over 40 years our purpose at East Hampton Nursery School has been to provide a variety of activities that enable children to grow and develop. Our goal is to provide a safe, secure and stimulating environment where each child develops his/her own special gifts and abilities, gains self-confidence and grows emotionally, physically and intellectually. Play art, music, literature, and movement activities take place daily. Our programs utilize a child-centered, hands-on approach. Curriculums are different and specific for the 3 and 4 year old programs. EHNS is also the only facility in East Hampton that is solely a preschool and not a daycare facility.
License Number: Child Care Center
Capacity: 21
Age Range: 3 years-5 years
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 9:00am - 11:30am and 12:15pm - 2:45pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Pre-School
Additional Information: Education Level(s): Elementary Education, Bachelor's Degree, Early Childhood Education, Associates Degree;
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