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Connecticut Child Daycare >> Hartford County Home Daycare >> KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTER #070211

Information for KINDERCARE LEARNING CENTER #070211, a family daycare home in Glastonbury CT:

Approximate Location: 194 HOUSE STREET, GLASTONBURY CT 06033
Contact Phone: 860-633-1508
Website: http://www.kindercare.com/our-centers/glastonbury/ct/070211?cid=ref_childcarecenter_us
Description: Welcome to KinderCare in Glastonbury Connecticut. We are very excited to have you and your family come to our center and meet our amazing teachers. We like to consider our center your child's second home. The atmosphere is a family environment with small intimate classrooms. We create a warm, nurturing and stimulating environment where children learn and thrive. Your child's safety and education is our number one priority. Our teachers take the time to work with your child to get to know how your child learns best and what activities will foster their growth. We believe in creating a community and team environment with each other and our families. We will work with you to ensure that your child gets all that they need to flourish in their educational development.
License Number: Child Care Center
Capacity: 78
Age Range: 6 weeks-12 years
Rate Range: Infant / Toddler (< 3 years) - $298
Preschool (3 - 5 years) - $260
School Age (5-12 years) - $154

Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 7:00am - 6:00pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Pre-School, School Age, Under Three
Transportation: Transportation Provided, School Transportation
Additional Information: Education Level(s): Bachelor's Degree, Early Childhood Education, Master's Degree, Associates Degree; Special Needs Experience: ADD/ADHD, Asthma/Respiratory Problems, Autism, Behavioral Problems, Cerebral Palsy, Developmental Delays, Hearing Impairment, Learning Disablility, Mental Health Impairment, Physical Disabilities, Seizure Disorders, Speech/Language Impairment, Tourrette Syndrome;
Reviews: Be the first to review this provider.

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