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Information for PACITA HINTON, a Family Child Care in Parker CO:

Provider Name: PACITA HINTON
Approximate Location: 7719 S DeGaulle CT, Parker CO 80134
Contact Phone: 7202120833
License Number: 15552
Capacity: 9
Age Range: 0yr:0mo:-13yr:0mo
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, English Tagalog, Ilocano
Additional Information: Approved for 2 children for overnight care; Basement approved. See Letter; Fireplace shall not be used during the hours of child care; License capacity and exhibits include provider's own children; Upper floor may not be used for child careSpecial Needs: Social Emotional Behaviors;Respiratory Illness;Diabetes;Seizure Disorders;Food/Dietary;Medical/Special Procedures.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Anna on 2017-08-09 17:32:53

We were only with Pacita for 1 1/2 months. So we do want to start off by saying Pacita is a very nice lady, and she does seem like she genuinely cares for the kids that she has already there. She does have them do writing, make meals, and potty train. My daughter has acid reflux so she does require a little more attention for feedings and Pacita did try to cater to that. The issues we have: 1. Our daughter would come home smelling like poop sometimes, and that's because she wasn't thoroughly cleaned all the way or sometimes it was on her clothes. She would get more butt rashes than even when she was in the daycare facilities. 2. She made the bottle nipples bigger w/o consulting us and my daughter hates it and would not drink milk from it. I had to toss it and those were expensive nipples since we use comotomo bottles. After I told her that she said she will not do it again and well she did. She said she was helping her to drink more but my daughter ends up choking each time because it flows too fasts. There is a language barrier which does make things hard at times. It seems like she doesn't completely understand at times and I have to keep repeating. 3. My daughter will come home with bruises or scratches and the worse one was a bite mark. So I totally understand kids will fall and get bitten by other kids. My issue was I was never notified for any of it. So when I brought up the bite mark Pacita was like oh that's nothing. Kinda just brushed it off not even realizing what it is. Before we started coming there we already told her we wanted to be informed if she falls and bumps her head or gets bruises. I was at my daughter's 12 month check up when I took off her clothes for weight check was when I saw the bite mark, the doctor confirmed it was a bite mark and is in our records for the visit that she was bitten. 4. Last issue was payment. So We were there from June 19 to Aug 4. During this time we went to Hawaii for 2 weeks so she already got paid for 2 weeks not having to watch our child. In the contract we have to give 2 weeks notice if we are leaving and 2 weeks upfront payment for that purpose. Okay So all that is fine and dandy. Now I usually pay 2 weeks at a time so that I don't have to keep writing checks. So I prepaid 2 weeks but after the bite mark we wanted to pull our daughter out. Especially if the other family is not getting informed than it can be reoccurring incident. So we were going to take our daughter out and not even use the 2 weeks that we prepaid for advance notice. All we wanted was a refund for the one week I prepaid for the following week which we don't intend to use. She refused, and said it was in the contract. Which it is not since it's only 2 weeks stated in the contract. So all together she got paid 5 weeks for not watching our baby girl. I think 4 weeks being paid for not watching a child was already a sweet deal, and we should have been refunded for 1 week for a prepayment thinking my child was still going to go there. Communication is the main issue we had, and we like to be more informed parents.

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