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Information for Aqui Debra, a Group family child care in Duluth MN:

Provider Name: Aqui Debra
Approximate Location: 5026 Dodge St Deb Agui Daycare, Duluth MN 55804
Contact Phone: (218) 525-6304
Description: group family day care: licensed capacity of 12 children, with no more than 10 children under school age, of these 10 children, a combined total of no more than 2 children shall be infants and toddlers. Of these two children, no more than 1 child shall be an infant.
License Number: 190497
Capacity: 12
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Family Child Care
Additional Information: No transporting of children under age nine. First Initial License Date: 12/14/1990. No transporting of children under age eight.;
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Chico on 2013-10-11 19:33:36
Comment: She had too many children (2 infants and multiple toddlers). They were not fed breakfast as a meal instead they got a zip lock bag of dry cereal to walk around with and their glass of milk had to sit in the kitchen. My kids cried every day they went there. She didn't let me know when they were going to be outside or in the sprinkler in the summer so they would play in their clothes and be soaking wet all day. She didn't apply sunscreen or tell me I needed to bring sunscreen and said "I guess I could put some on" after my kids had terrible sunburn because she had them outside with no shirt on for over 4 hours. She told me they didn't want to put their shirts on. Her husband started to teach my boys some sort of martial arts when they misbehaved and actually struck my son but said he was just demonstrating. They had a 10x10 room to play in which consisted of a small couch a large plastic play house and a tv. She didn't have a designated napping area and said my son could just grab a blanket and find a corner to take a nap(he was 2 years old). I would never recommend her to anyone and I would never send anyone to her. The worst experience ever!!!!!
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