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Texas Child Daycare >> Dallas County Home Daycare >> Estelle Schneider

Information for Estelle Schneider, a Listed Family Home in Garland TX:

Provider Name: Estelle Schneider
Approximate Location: , Garland TX 75041
Contact Phone: 972-271-3001
License Number: 812285
Capacity: 3
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 1/2/2002.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Kirstie chance on 2018-10-09 23:42:40
Comment: My 3 year old son started going to ms. Essies house august 1st and was there monday thru friday from 7 am to 4pm. She seemed to really enjoy my child as he did with her. She never complained about him or had anythingbad to say until october 8th (a monday) when i picked him up. She said it would be his last day. I was puzzled. Cause he was just thete friday and she didnt say anything. But as of monday she felt like she could no longer watch him because he stressed her out my talking loud and being interuptive while she would be on her phone or talking to someone who might stop by her house... because she had to remind him to go potty but any other child would had adjusted in 2-3 weeks and went on their own..... Because he wouldnt play in the playroom while he was the only child there..... Because he wouldnt sit in her lap .... And because she hadnt met his father. All off this minus the part about dad is basic 3 year old behavior. And if it was such a stressor a forewarning or notice would had been nice . but now im missing school to find a new sitter. So i wont recommend her to any parent
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