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Texas Child Daycare >> Collin County Home Daycare >> Doris Record

Information for Doris Record, a Listed Family Home in Plano TX:

Provider Name: Doris Record
Approximate Location: Portside LN, Plano TX 75023
Contact Phone: 972-424-8212
License Number: 1524966
Capacity: 3
Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 07:30 AM-05:30 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 1/31/1996.
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Leigh on 2022-01-27 01:17:25

My daughter has been in Doris' care for more than 3 years. She loves it here...Great experience...

Rated 1 star by Heather on 2017-09-08 18:00:09
Comment: I fired Ms Dorris after the first day and would not recommend her. I was recommended to Ms Dorris through a family friend because she has small child to teacher ratios. My daughter is two and I have stayed home with her the last couple of years so I was concerned about going back to work and my daughter's separation anxiety. When I interviewed Ms Doris she was really nice and assured me that the children were free to walk about the house following her. First day of dropping off Ms Doris proceeds to place my daughter in a baby gated area and so she starts screaming. Ms Dorris also preceded to tell me she did not do breakfast (that I provided). At pick up Ms Doris tells me my daughter hardly ate and only took a 30 minute nap and was told I needed to work on that. Exasperated I told her my daughter sounded stressed. Ms Dorris also said she was not a morning person and I was to arrive specifically at the time I told her I would be. (First day arrive 7:56 am instead of 7:45 am) She already had a child there when I arrived. She told me my child was too loud and told another mommy she wanted to leave (due to my child's crying) Ms Dorris did not exude the compassion or nurturing environment that I would expect from a child care provider. My daughter got to the car and said Ms Dorris "hurt her" which I then contacted CPS and the in home license department to file a formal complaint. My child was crying in her sleep after one day with this lady. The next in home daycare she went to later that week, by the second day she ran in and didn't look back, totally different experience.
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