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Maryland Child Daycare >> Prince George's County Home Daycare >> Qureshi, Khalida

Information for Qureshi, Khalida, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Laurel MD:

Provider Name: Qureshi, Khalida
Approximate Location: Clarkwood Lane, Laurel MD 20707
Contact Phone: (301) 412-4900
License Number: 139368
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday to Friday January to December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by DeAnna Smith on 2021-02-24 03:03:59

Khalida was the very best! She cared for my baby like she was her own. She was always very kind and patient. Her home was always cleaned and if I were ever running late it was never an issue. Khalida cooked the kids the best lunches everyday and her entire family was super involved and helpful. On my daughter's first birthday she even made her a (very delicious) cupcake and got her a gift. I was really sad to move states because I know I would never find childcare like Khalida again.

Rated 5 star by Jess on 2018-09-21 23:50:32

The best Day Care provider I've had thus far. Took care of my boy like it was her own up until he was old enough to head into pre-school. Highly recommend! She is a very nice lady who always cares for children like her own.

Rated 1 star by parent review on 2018-04-04 22:54:52

I had both my son's enrolled at this center and referred 5 or more families to Me. Khalida. I recently had my 3 year old son there 3 days/ week for part time care paying 150/ week. The full time rate was 170. She was aware that my son would be there until the fall. She never had any problems with him. Always complimented his good behavior and he was potty trained. A couple days before Easter she tells me she now has a full time child and she could refer me to another day care. She did not even provide a week notice and knew we had an agreement! She has had several different helpers through out the yeara and leaves out of town with little notice and I never complained. Now I'm left trying to find child care. I'm so disappointed that she would treat someone thus way especially after the business I have her and was already almost paying a full time rate! poor business practices!!

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