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Information for Pedemonte, Gloria, a Registered Family Child Care Home in College Park MD:

Provider Name: Pedemonte, Gloria
Approximate Location: 48th Avenue, College Park MD 20740
Contact Phone: (301) 318-6689
License Number: 151001
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday-Friday January - December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Ying on 2017-09-04 11:38:55
Comment: Ms Gloria and all the Ms are considered our family now. They are the nicest people and most caring ladies I have ever known. Our life started to turn better when my daughter was with them. The change was dramatic. She started to eat, and then eat more, then eat the same amount just like other kids. I'm sure the scenes were true my daughter dancing and clasping her hands when Ms Gloria or Ms Krisha appeared with hot lunch and dinner. I still could not duplicate their magic. She was talking a lot, to them, to other kids. It's so funny to see these little ones communicated in a very serious way. The shy little girl was no longer there. Even they interact so much, I don't see any scratch on any part of their body. They are busy all day looking at and taking care of all the kids. My daughter did not just learn the alphabets and counting. She learned to stand up for herself, be independent, communicating...Ms Gloria notice my daughter's soft and fragile side and intended to teach her to protect herself. 'Life is not easy'. The young lady will face so many things in the future and she cannot answer them all with meltdown. If not a family member, who would care so much about the child's personality? Ms Gloria really considers all the kids are of her own and shows her love to them. I'm feeling so sad leaving them. When I typed in the reviews, it brings up so much memories and makes me emotional. I couldn't list all the merits of Loving care Daycare. If you are lucky like I did, to have a chance to get in the line and get your turn, you will feel all the things I feel: it's filled with love here.
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