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Information for Johnson, Eloise, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Clinton MD:

Provider Name: Johnson, Eloise
Approximate Location: Lottie Place (off old branch avenue), Clinton MD 20735
Contact Phone: (301) 877-0064
Website: eloisejohnson11@verizon.net

have been license for nine years. i only do toddlers ages 6weeks to 5 years old.  have a large daycare center in my home, plenty of space to learn and play.  you will love the space and cleaningness and your child will be ready for pre-school or kindergarten.  we travel during warm weather to the library, parks, chuckee's etc.,  but only in the maryland area. 

License Number: 128809
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Rate Range: $150.00 - 200.00
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: Monday to Friday January to December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Kindergarten, Part-Time
Transportation: Field Trips
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Michelle on 2019-03-12 18:52:20
Comment: Eloise Johnson use to go by "Ms. J" (and probably still has these innocent children calling her that) when she was a "teacher" at Fort Foote Baptiste Church Child Development Center in Fort Washington, MD. She taught the 4-year old class. This woman abused my child while in her care, and was later fired from her position. If you want the details for yourself, feel free to give Fort Foote Baptist Church CDC a call at (301) 839-6650. Ask to speak with Helen Bearden, because the current director might not want to answer questions about Eloise Johnson, even though she knows that Eloise Johnson was fired. Google Fort Foote Baptist Church CDC and your will see at least two reviews that mention "Ms J" and talk about her hitting children. If you are reading this, you have been warned and you've been given enough information to search for yourself.
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