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Maryland Child Daycare >> Montgomery County Home Daycare >> Robles, Martha

Information for Robles, Martha, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Silver Spring MD:

Provider Name: Robles, Martha
Approximate Location: Connecticut Avenue, Silver Spring MD 20902
Contact Phone: (301) 933-4285
License Number: 70442
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday to Friday January to December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Lynda on 2016-05-31 20:04:00
Comment: Martha Robles daycare is the best daycare service I have used. After 4 daycare centers, we were happy to find Ms. Martha's loving and caring daycare for our daughter who stayed there from 10 months old until 4 years old. We also took our second daughter there from 7 weeks old until she was 2 years old. When our oldest daughter went to Ms. Martha's, her forehead that was breaking out, cleared within less than three weeks. Our baby definitely benefited from a stress-free environment where the children learn academically and behaviorally. Ms. Martha is an expert in infants, she teaches them all stages of developments, including speech. When my two-year old started pre-school, all the teachers in the new school (up to 12th grade) came to talk to her, impressed by her vocabulary and the complete sentences she was comfortably uttering. When our oldest daughter left the daycare, she was very smart and advanced in Pre-Kindergarten. She skipped a grade. This is not a day care where the children watch TV all day. Ms. Martha feeds them healthy cooked meals and she treats the children like their own, no matter their ethnicity or origin. Stop by and check the daycare out.
Rated 5 star by Anessa on 2015-10-23 15:25:18
Comment: We had the pleasure of using Martha Robles Daycare services for our son when we lived in MD. Our son started going to Mrs. Martha's around 13 months and enjoyed going there until we had to move back to Atlanta. In the time that Callen was there, we saw an improvement in Callen's eating, expressiveness and desire to connect and communicate. Mrs. Martha truly treated Callen like he was her own child and provided a safe and nurturing environment where children could play, learn and explore at their own pace. She was an absolute pleasure to work with.
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