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Information for Rahmani, Azita, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Germantown MD:

Provider Name: Rahmani, Azita
Approximate Location: Valley Bend Drive, Germantown MD 20876
Contact Phone: (240) 390-7672
License Number: 126545
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday to Friday January to December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Concern Mom on 2016-02-26 18:56:19
Comment: Whoever gave Ms. Azita a bad review is a joke. My daughter is still with her care and she has never been so happy. She even asks my husband and I if she can come to Ms. Azita's house on the weekends. She is one of the most nicest person I've ever known. If there's a word that is greater than nice, that is who she is. She is a Mom to us parents and that is something you cannot easily find nowadays. This really helps especially for first time parents. She's somebody who cares on the well being of each and every kid under her care. She really cares to each and everyone of her angels. We had a bad experience with my daughter's previous daycare. So bad that it breaks my heart every time I remembered those days when my daughter cries every single day that she has to go on her old day care and so when we decided to look for a new one, we decided to give her a try. The first thing that my husband thought, it was a HOME not only a house. I could honestly go on and on and on. So please, if you ever hesitate on taking your kids to her... just don't. SHE IS THE BEST!
Rated 5 star by K.Taylor on 2016-02-26 14:26:54

Wow to that other comment. That's a pretty harsh accusation (I think it's obvious where your kid got his arrogance problem from lol). I have frequented Azita's daycare 3-4 times when I needed someone in a pinch. We think she is great. She's friendly and experienced. Also in close proximity to Daly Elementary.

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