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Information for Bennett, Roseanna, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Bel Air MD:

Provider Name: Bennett, Roseanna
Approximate Location: Deadora Road, Bel Air MD 21015
Contact Phone: (410) 515-4948
License Number: 153567
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Sunday - Saturday January - December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Unacceptable on 2020-03-27 18:33:18

My child went to Roseanna part time for a little over 2 years. Overall it was a decent experience, but it surprised me that even after 2 years my child did not like going to Roseanna's daycare. She protested and told me that she wasn't happy going there every time, but Roseanna, "seemed" nice so we kept going and besides it was only for 2 days a week to socialize her with other children. There were also things about this daycare that I found disturbing. Some mornings when I would bring my child I observed that none of the children would wash their hands before coming to the table for breakfast. Knowing that poor hygiene was being practiced, I would also ensure that I cleaned my child's hands with hand sanitizer upon arrival since I knew that most likely her hands would not be washed that morning. Roseanna also has a "no sock" policy meaning even in the winter time your child has to wear shoes with no socks. I found this to be a hygiene and safety issue as well since there were hardwood floors present. Roseanna also has animals so usually my child would come home each day covered in dog hair (especially in her hair). I also found Roseanna's prices to be on the higher end of other daycare's that actually followed pre-school curriculum in which Roseanna does not. In my opinion, when my child was in her care it was no different that her being with a babysitter. After a while I felt that my child had outgrown Roseanna's daycare so I was planning on eventually finding an appropriate preschool environment where my child could thrive and then COVID-19 happened and we were all pretty much stuck at home. It was during that time, I informed Roseanna that I would be pulling my child from her daycare since I also have a school aged child at home and since the school closing had been extended I would need to be home anyway. At first Roseanna was very understanding and sweet in her first text message telling me that she totally understood and to give my child her love and hugs. I responded back polite and appreciative, but then a few minutes later she sent me a text telling me that per her contract I needed to give 2 weeks notice and pay for those 2 weeks. I thought the text seemed kind of cold at first because up until that point we had a pretty good parent/provider relationship. We exchanged gifts over the holidays and we never had a problem that I was aware of. I responded to her text asking if the week that she chose to close due to the corona virus (I never had an issue that she chose to close, I understood) that I had already paid for (my child didn't go because she closed) would count as week 1 of the cancellation and then would the following week be week 2 and I also wanted to confirm the amount that I owed. It was after those questions when her rant towards me started. She sent me back a nasty text message asking me "how dare I question paying her when I am sitting at home getting paid, then she told me to keep my money" I tried to respond politely and inform her that she took my words out of context and I only wanted to confirm what I owed and I never said that I had an issue with paying her, but she just wouldn't stop texting me. I told her she was being rude and that I wasn't going to allow her negativity towards me. Then, she told me to "F" Off (literally said the words in a text to me twice). She told me that "her and her husband ran a background check on me and my husband 2 years ago when my child started and that they run background checks on all of their clients". Then she told me that I was harassing her and threatened me with the police when I didn't even say anything else other than asking her to leave me alone. In spite all of that, I still sent her a pay pal payment for 2 weeks per her contract which made her even more outraged and she texted me more nasty messages telling me that she would be rejecting the payment and said "obviously I needed it more". Roseanna was inappropriate and unprofessional towards me all because I wanted to pull my child out of her daycare. I have every text saved. I believe that she became upset that she would no longer be receiving the part time day care income for my child. I just want other parents to be aware of my overall experience with this provider. I would not recommend this provider.

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