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Information for Mebane, Maxine, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Annapolis MD:

Provider Name: Mebane, Maxine
Approximate Location: Schooner Court, Annapolis MD 21401
Contact Phone: (410) 269-0999
License Number: 90798
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday to Friday January to December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Doris on 2017-07-14 13:40:38
Comment: My children went to this daycare about 4 years ago and everything was ok. I had to switch daycares because the time did not accommodate my work schedule. I recently needed a provider just for the summer months and decided to go back since my work schedule had changes and she had spaces available. However this time was different the space is kept clean but the husband and wife who run this space were truly unprofessional. My son told me that Maxine had jack him up by his collar so I spoke with her. After that everything went down hill she inconvenienced me by having me keep calling POC to confirm things that she should of knew. The last string was she called a meeting at, the meeting she would yell and cut me off in front of my kids and her grand kids who I will inform you about later. She not only caused me to be late for work on several occasions because of her demanding attitude. She told me if I left my kids even though she was being paid she would say that I abandoned them. I then had to take my kids to work with me at the last minute after I had been late now because I this last minute meeting they demanded. When I got to work I called he with POC on the line to confirm what I had been telling her about the vouchers and the rate on them. However she hung up on me and the representative giving her no time to explain that although the time and days on the voucher the summer rate is still applied. She ruined my entire morning and even frightened my kids. She and her husband are definitely the type of people who do not want to listen instead just try to belittle no only me but my son also for telling on them and having too much energy. If you are in the area call Darlene Carroll she is very professional and you wont have to worry about the inconvenience of this space. I should have stuck to my instinct once I left the first time. Last she has 2 grandsons that she let talk to the kids anyway. they are not apart of the daycare but the always are there. She lets them dictate to the kids what and what not to do what toys the cant and can play with, mind you they are no older then 10. I wish they could have been more professional so that I could addressed these issues with them but like I said every time I did she would hang up or like she did this morning basically force me and my kids out of the house by threatening to report them as abandoned. I don't believe this is her calling so if you looking for someone to nature and help your child grow this isn't the space. Good luck and pleas beware of this provider if you do take your kids there make sure that you talk to them about what happened everyday upon arrival.
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