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Information for A Childs Pointe Day Care, a Licensed Child-Care Home in Spring TX:

Provider Name: A Childs Pointe Day Care
Approximate Location: 17711 DECEMBER PINE LN, Spring TX 77379
Contact Phone: 832-717-6368
License Number: 906894
Capacity: 12
Age Range: Infant, Toddler, Pre-Kindergarten, School
Days of Operation: Monday - Sunday
Normal Open Hours: 06:00 AM-11:30 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: Initial License Date: 3/24/2009.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by MSANN on 2019-08-14 04:06:49
Comment: I had to take my children out of this facility due to unprofessionalism on Ms. Grigsby’s part. If you are receiving NCI (daycare assistance), beware you will be exploited. I was paying out of pocket more than I had to because NCI’s portion wouldn’t cover the cost of the total amount that she charges other non-NCI recipients. I had to pay for children that weren’t even attending the daycare for months at a time just so I wouldn’t have to re-enroll that at full price. If you don’t receive NCI you probably won’t get exploited, but beware this is just a warning. Ms. Grigsby knew my son had autism and convinced me that she was able to handle him. But then months later down the line, she says “he’s a bit too much”. Even though she was aware of his condition and assured me that it was fine. Another red flag for money hungriness. She would close the daycare because only “one kid would be here so it makes no sense to stay open”. Well I still had to work and always had to call off work because of the unreliability and inconsistency. I even lost my full time job because of it. Either the workers were always quitting (which I see now is due to shady business practices) or no one was available to take my son to school in the morning, which Ms. Grigsby agreed would not be a problem regardless of my personal situation. In summary, the facility is clean and diverse that’s why it receives 2-stars. Donna Grisby runs her daycare how and when she wants with no concerns of the inconvenience to the parents. She knew I was in rock and hard place and she used it to her advantage. Ms. Grigsby’s unprofessionalism is very appalling. I wouldn’t recommend this daycare. Especially to NCI recipients.
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