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Information for Under My Wings family Daycare Inc., a Group Family Day Care in Peekskill NY:

Provider Name: Under My Wings family Daycare Inc.
Approximate Location: 517 Harrison Avenue, Peekskill NY 10566
Contact Phone: (914) 734-8033
License Number: 233436
Capacity: 16
Age Range: Total Capacity: 12 children, ages 6 weeks to 12 years AND 4 additional school-aged children
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: This facility is authorized to administer over-the-counter topical ointments only; Initial License Date: 9/26/2005; Care is available during non-traditional hours;
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Jessica Lopez on 2018-09-16 01:18:11
Comment: I only rated one star because it doesn't give me the option of zero stars. This daycare is a terrible mess?! I had my 10 month old baby there for a week and 2 half days. After the first week I was done with him there but I had no choice but to take him there the other two half days, I picked him up early and took him to work with me. I filed a report and complaint about the daycare and of course it is investigating. While the one week my son was there he had marks on him, scratches and bumps on his head, he wasn't eating and would come home starving eating up to two or three jars of food, dirty clothing which the owner claimed there was new carpet, resistant for people touching him, and scared he would flinch thinking someone would hut him every time they put their hands close to him. The staff was very unprofessional, negalected the children both ignoring them and leaving them alone, locking the door so that they know when someone is coming, false advertising cameras even the state confirmed the cameras were out of service, and staff were argumentive ot easily fustrated when being asked questions or showing up unexpected. People who are not staff members or parents are there. The staff almost never have an answer to anything or explanation to anything and the home based daycare has two sites, one which has the owners foster children who she sometimes leaves the kids alone with. Not only are kids not learning here but they also are not getting any love or attention here. Horrible place for kids. Government and pocket money people. It's sad what they go through. I've spoken to other parents that has had their kids there and all say that the kids are always crying, with marks, and negalected!!! Some young parents are scared to speak up because their child is there and they are trying to support their families but it's traumatic for the kids!!! This daycare does not only need to be investigated but also shut down, in Jesus name!!! They will advertise the daycare the best they can to get your money or the government money. Please I beg you for the sake of your kids to never trust these people with your kids. My baby was only there a week and thank God he is still alive and okay but I regret putting him there, even the social worker said he looked scared and stressed. That's my baby and I love my boy and I want to protect him and I hope this message helps you protect your! Please do not take kids here! Babies can't talk and if they care a lot of the times they are scared to or they are such kids that they forget to! Watch your child's actions if they are here and if not avoid taking them here please!
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