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California Child Daycare >> Los Angeles County Home Daycare >> MATARAARACHCHI FAMILY CHILD CARE


Approximate Location: N. PASS AVENUE, BURBANK CA 91505
Contact Phone: (818) 521-8446
License Number: 198014774
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Bethany McGill on 2021-01-08 23:31:18

My child has been attending for 3 years, since he was only 4 months old. When I went looking for a daycare as a new parent, I didn't know what to look for -- my employer had daycare as well as the decked out larger chain based or school district based daycares in Burbank.  I thought those would be regulated more frequently and subsequently safer, better programing, etc. They also all had years long wait lists! Little did I know the hidden gem I found in Janitha and Mataraarachchi Family Child Care when a coworker recommended them.  She is able to offer everything other daycares offer, and SO much more! MFCC is subject to the same evaluations as larger daycares (which of course they pass with flying colors), but as a home based daycare they actually are required to have a smaller class size, so your child gets more one-on-one attention.

As an infant my son spent his days being held or tummy time by Janitha or a classroom assistant. As he got older, the programing developed with him -- primarily taking a Montessori approach. When he switched from bottles to solid foods then table foods, she provides lunch (this was a HUGE help, and one less thing to think about in getting ready every day. Plus she gets him to eat veggies he won't eat at home!) His speech developed, he'd come home singing songs he learned at school, talking about his friends he played with and colors, numbers and things he'd learned about.  

When it came time for potty training/sleep training Janitha was an excellent partner to me as a parent, patient and kind in helping my son learn at his own pace. With years of experience and 2 beautifully successful young adult children of her own, she was encouraging and positive when I would get stressed out about how things 'should' be.

Now that my son is preschool age, she works with him on dexterity and language development -- writing, coloring, talking conversationally  -- all the milestones discussed by the pediatrician. We took a break during Covid out of an abundance of caution, but our pediatrician suggested returning to school, especially with a new baby on the way.  My goodness how he is thriving beyond what I could provide! Janitha goes above and beyond the measures mandated by the state for child care facilities during Covid, and with a smaller class size there is that much less exposure, with like minded families concerned with everyone's safety.  

Aside from the safety and education aspects of our experience, I know my child is genuinely cared for and loved, which is more than I ever thought to look for in child care. Calling it "Family" Child Care couldn't be more accurate. I was so fortunate she had an opening for my 2nd child in the coming months.  Rest assured your kiddo is in good hands if they're attending Mataraarachchi Family Child Care.

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