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California Child Daycare >> Santa Clara County Home Daycare >> LUCIDO, EDITH A.

Information for LUCIDO, EDITH A., a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in San Jose CA:

Provider Name: LUCIDO, EDITH A.
Approximate Location: ZION LANE, SAN JOSE CA 95132
Contact Phone: (408) 770-2421
License Number: 434401223
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by A Lopez on 2019-08-14 23:14:35

Mrs. Lucido was to obtain my son from elementary school, upon pick up, she pulled away from the curb while my son was still getting into her SUV and caused him to fall out of her SUV onto the curb on his back. My daughter who was already secured in the vehicle witness Ms. Lucido "laugh" and did not assist him in getting back into the SUV. He then got his self back into her SUV without her assistance. She had lack of remorse and called me the next day to ask me if I was going to sue her. I did not and she did not offer any compensation or compassion for that matter.

Rated 5 star by Picky Mom on 2016-08-20 18:15:54
Comment: I have trusted Edith with watching after my children. She is very welcoming and has become another mother figure to my children. When I pick my children up after work I don't need to worry about their homework (all kids do their daily homework after school) which allows me to spend more time with my children and focus on reading without having my 5th grader stress about homework! And on a side note my children love her food more than mine. Don't know what that means about my food but it makes me feel really comfortable that my children are so well taken care of. The daycare is in her home and I think it makes the kids feel at ease once they get home from school.
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