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California Child Daycare >> Contra Costa County Home Daycare >> COOPER, JESUSA J

Information for COOPER, JESUSA J, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in Concord CA:

Provider Name: COOPER, JESUSA J
Approximate Location: AVE, CONCORD CA 94518
Contact Phone: (925) 726-9118
License Number: 73405365
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Bennett on 2023-01-10 21:02:28
Comment: I have my child placed at Jeanette's Daycare for over a year. I'm about to add another child too. I have found Jeannette to be very straightforward with her rules and communication. If she has a problem with a child or parent, she will explain what is going on and what she needs to have changed. She is fair and she is flexible. Some kids may not be a good fit. Daycare in today's world (post lockdown) can be a challenge for some kids. The program is structured, interactive and creative. This provider is hand's on and manages the day to day activities with the kids. She has always received good ratings and has not had any compliance issues. The kids are always laughing and playing when I pickup or drop off. The toys, games and outside playthings are changed up about every 3 months, so the kids are new stuff to use and try out. The kids are usually working on new artwork or projects and use multiple mediums and plenty of colors. I am not usually one for writing reviews unless a provider, service or business is either really good or really bad. So in this care, I am happy to share with my fellow parents that this daycare provider should be on your list for your kids too.
Rated 1 star by Stefany on 2020-06-21 09:00:08
Comment: Our son attended Jeanette’s daycare 1 year and we were intrigued by the Reggio Emilia inspired play but little did we know that Jeanette the owner/head teacher would be so offensive when concerns were brought up to her. The whole time we were there we received two letters of termination from her for not seeing eye to eye because we had minor concerns. We were so in need to have a daycare that we decided to stay but felt like we were walking in egg shells the whole time. Jeanette never opened the door with a smile on her face. It has been the worst experience for our family. I don’t recommend this daycare unless you are ok with having no communication with her.
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