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California Child Daycare >> San Mateo County Home Daycare >> AVILA, AMERICA P.

Information for AVILA, AMERICA P., a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in South San Francisco CA:

Provider Name: AVILA, AMERICA P.
Contact Phone: (650) 952-3537
License Number: 414002262
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Mari on 2017-10-15 15:12:59
Comment: My child went to this daycare for 6 months. However I would not recommend due to the following: -day care aides (high turnover rate) and Eva doesn't notice parents that there is a new aid and when asked if the aids are fingerprinted she doesn't answer. -lack of communication, unless you ask you will never know what happens with your child, and when you do ask about a scratch or bruise, he answer is I don't know. -sleeping times for all children are 3 hours around12pm to 3pm (too excessive) -activities and excerise for children are not enough. Infants just sit on a mat and are given a toy, kids over 1yr old (and can walk) also are just give a toy, no interaction from day care provider other than changing diaper and feeding. PRO's: -provider was cheap - cameras (however it's more for provider to see which parent is logged on so that aides can pay attention to your child during your logging on. -home cooked food (soup & crackers for lunch mostly everyday) -speaks in Spanish I would not recommend this place to anyone's I have removed my child from here.
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