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Information for The Caring Corner, a family daycare home in Waterford CA:

Provider Name: The Caring Corner
Approximate Location: Yosemite Blvd., Waterford CA 95386
Contact Phone: 2098572929

At The Caring Corner we cater to families who have children aged 0-6. We strive to love, respect, nurture, care for and provide a safe and developmentally appropriate learning atmosphere for your child that will foster your child’s natural desire to discover, create, explore and become an independent, lifelong learner.


For preschool aged children we implement a play-based learning paired with a monthly themed curriculum. Our curriculum focuses mainly on letters, colors, shapes, and numbers paired with different themes to invoke learning.

We also offer spots for school aged children in our before and after school care. 

No soliciting allowed, thank you.

License Number: 503911691
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0-6
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: After School, Daytime, Full-Time, Kindergarten, childcare
Transportation: Not Available
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 3 star by Mother on 2023-05-06 16:31:39
Comment: I had originally adored Ms. Erica and her facility. My child loved her very much, and all was going well. Then without any notice or inkling, she gave us a letter for termination of care, with absolutely no reasoning as to why she was letting us go. When questioned about it, her answer was I can just no longer care for your child. It was unprofessional in my opinion. Also there was no “schooling” it was the children just running around and playing all day, which is fine, but don’t advertise schooling if you don’t do that. I will say that she does seem to really love the kids which I was grateful for as my child is shy and felt very comfortable around her.
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