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Information for Cathy Lawrence, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Princess Anne MD:

Provider Name: Cathy Lawrence
Approximate Location: Oriole Rd, Princess Anne MD 21853
Contact Phone: (443) 523-2414
License Number: 257046
Capacity: 7
Age Range: 0-23 Months, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 5 years, 5 years to 12 years
Normal Open Hours: Monday - Friday January - December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Kayla on 2023-09-12 14:35:49
Comment: In the beginning I had very high hopes for this provider and how she could help both myself and my daughter. However, after following a month of instruction from this provider on how to hell my daughter through the changes in her life from me and her father divorcing and my pediatrician not doing testing that she wanted done.. she decided the best course of action was to yell at me on the phone as if I were a child because she wanted to be heard and got offended over me stating I'd need to take my child to urgent care and this was beginning to be a hassle with work, before allowing me to finish my statement in saying I wanted to get everything done that day because I was out of PTO sge cut me off and went on a rant. Sge was extremely disrespectful in speaking to me, not to mention she was conducting herself this way with her clients children sitting right there to witness this. She told me at one point I could test at home to which I was willing to comply and then she proceeded to tell me "no, now I want a doctor's note" if she is able to react to me this way over a simple statement, there is no telling how she is able to react to our children. Another issue I noticed is that her own child receives special privileges to which the other children witness while in her care which I feel causes issues amongst the children as they don't feel they're getting the same level of care. As I stated things were great in the beginning and she was very helpful, however she's very anxious and hot headed not to mention disrespectful. She talks to parents about other parents and children, and completely loses her mind over simple things. I would not recommend this provider if you're protective of your child and their exposure like myself.
Rated 1 star by David on 2023-08-22 20:07:37
Comment: Shows extreme favoritism with her own child which is totally non conducive to early childhood development, I wouldn't send my child or anyone's child to her, point blank don't waste your time exposing your children to her toxic environment
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