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Virginia Child Daycare >> Suffolk City County Home Daycare >> Mrs. Michelle Crawley

Information for Mrs. Michelle Crawley, a Family Day Home in Suffolk VA:

Provider Name: Mrs. Michelle Crawley
Approximate Location: Indian Point Road, Suffolk VA 23434
Contact Phone: (757) 537-8269
License Number: 1110062
Capacity: 12
Age Range: 1 month - 12 years 11 months
Days of Operation: Monday - Saturday
Normal Open Hours: 7:30a - 5:30p
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Marisa Foddrell on 2023-11-03 18:35:20
Comment: My experience with this daycare provider was not a good experience. To me it sounds she wants to make her job as easy as possible and have the kids do everything, but that is what she is getting paid for. If the job is overwhelming then she should hire an assistant. She expects the child to act one way all the time and the moment they don’t she makes it seem as if there is an issue with the child. She expects a 4 year old child to act a certain way. Several times she told me that has her own personal time, no where in the contract does it states that She is suppose to have her own personal time. She is not truthful, she tells you one thing but then it’s something else. I would not recommend this daycare.
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