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Information for Tweety Kid Care, a family daycare home in San Ramon CA:

Provider Name: Tweety Kid Care
Approximate Location: Bernard Ave., San Ramon CA 94583
Contact Phone: 6507878091
Website: www.tweetykidcare.com
Description: Tweety Kid Care is a small licensed family daycare committed to providing the highest quality child care, early education and work life solutions! This is a “home away from home” providing children with “siblings” of all ages to play, socialize, and learn from! The owner has been immersed in the child education field for 25years! Our goal in providing quality childcare for your child is to create a safe, comfortable, fun, and loving environment!Our program is designed based on child observation and implements activities and routines that help your child develop in all areas: social, emotional, physical and cognitive! Our hope is that everyone who comes in contact with our program shares a common understanding of the importance of the first 5 years in child’s life!
License Number: 075700211
Capacity: 6
Age Range: 6mos and up
Rate Range: $70/day
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Full-Time, Part-Time
Additional Information: We offer infant, toddler and preschool program in a very safe, clean, and modern environment! Meals (breakfast,2snaks,lunch) are provided!All the food provided is organic and the menu is prepared to ensure your child gets all the nutrients for a healthy life! Continuous collaboration and communication with families is the key in order to meet all the child’ needs and well being!
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