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Michigan Child Daycare >> Kent County Home Daycare >> MELISSA'S LITTLE EXPLORERS DAYCARE


Approximate Location: 2220 BLUEBERRY DR. NW, GRAND RAPIDS MI 49504
Contact Phone: (989) 751-2622
License Number: DG410395221
Capacity: 12
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday Saturday Sunday
Normal Open Hours: Day Only
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Half Day Program.
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 3 star by Anon on 2021-02-13 02:11:42
Comment: I’m a former employee who worked at Melissa’s Little Explorers for a very short time, during which I was training and told that if I wanted it, the job was mine. I was never told of a trial or evaluation period and given little to no direction or information about what was expected of me. While training, I wasn’t considered apart of “ratio” so I was more or less an extra set of hands or a third wheel so to speak. During the time of my training, I did my best to provide my assistance whenever I could in various tasks such as interacting with children, diapering/toilet training, helping with meals, dressing/supervising kids for outdoor play, etc. Again, I was given no feedback or instructions about what was expected of me or how I could properly add to the proceedings. After 2-3 weeks, near the completion of my CPR training which would certify me to be in ratio with the children, I received a random text message from the owner on a late Tuesday morning. She gave me a vague statement about how I wasn’t “a good fit” for the daycare and that she “was going to wait until that Friday (when I was supposed to work next) to give it more thought but didn’t want me to pay for CPR just for this job” (paraphrasing but this is the general idea of the text). I was thrown off completely and when I asked why she didn’t think it was a good fit, she gave me further vague feedback by saying that I was “very calm and patient with the kids but this job is about more than the kids” (again paraphrasing) rather than going into more specifics about her dissatisfaction so I could know what to work on in my future employment. When I went on the daycare’s Facebook page to see if there was anywhere to leave employee reviews and share my story, I discovered that the opening for the caregiver position (the one I had been training for) was posted about A FULL DAY before I was informed that the owner was moving forward in her search. I feel that shows a lack of communication and professionalism in the training process and even the decision to move forward in her search. I built bonds with the children who attend the daycare and was made to feel like I was being implemented into the team. No time during the training was I informed that the owner was dissatisfied with my performance or how I could improve. Overall incredibly disappointed with the way things were handled and wanted to share my story in hopes that it will be helpful to future employees.
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