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Information for Growing Vines Child Care FDH, a Family Homes Care for 7 or fewer children in Cordova TN:

Provider Name: Growing Vines Child Care FDH
Approximate Location: Dartford Drive, Cordova TN 38016
Contact Phone: 9013614866
Age Range: 6 WK to 12 YR
Normal Open Hours: 6:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Transportation: YES
Additional Information: 2 star Family Homes Care for 7 or fewer children; Sibling Discount Available; Wheelchair Accessible;
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 2 star by Gera on 2023-06-30 16:08:54

DISCLAIMER: THIS POST IS LONG BUT VERY INFORMATIVE SO IF YOU ARE THINKING OF ENROLLING YOUR BABY HERE PLEASE READ FIRST!! I recently enrolled my 5 month (now 6month old) exclusively breastfed baby into this daycare. Initially it was very promising. The owner (Danielle) won me over with her honesty and made me feel comfortable about bringing my child there. She told me I would be updated on all his feedings and diapers changes throughout the day as well as small activity updates. This was his first experience in a new environment as I kept him home with me during his first few months of life. I informed the owner of this. The very first day my child was there I get a call from the owner, 4 hours into my child being there stating, “I don’t know if this is going to work”. Now I should have taken that as a red flag but chalked it up to understanding that dealing with a new baby who isn’t used to other people and just started learning how to bottle feed could be frustrating. So I gave them further pointers on the things I do at home in order to get him to drink From his bottle. We made it thru the first week. But of course I got complaints from the owner and staff that “all he did was cry on and off” . So The second week I decided to bring the baby food I introduced to him to aid in the feeding process because he does great with his food and that should Help keep him calm. he did better with that. but I still was hearing the same thing and he would still have food left over from the containers I would give them. But at home he always eats the entire 2-3oz of food. So of course he is cranky because he’s not being fed enough. I would constantly ask why he wasn’t being fed all his food. I kept getting answers like “he doesn’t want it” “he was fussy” Third week he had to miss due to Falling ill. And when he came back the following week it was more “crying” The 5th week at the start of the week I get a call from the owner (Danielle) stating “you need to come get him” Im at work though and I’ve already paid in advance for the week. But she was persistent. So I had to leave work super early and come get my baby. Then she calls me that same day and says “I’m not kicking your baby out but I do have a friend who has a daycare and maybe he will like it there” Sooooo basically she was kicking us out. I did go to the friend and the setup was pretty much the same. The difference was though she was extremely PATIENT with my baby (AND SHE ACTUALLY KEPT HER WORD AND SENT CONSTANT UPDATES THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE DAY). She has had no issues with getting him to eat ALL his baby food and drink his bottle. He takes 2-3 hour naps for her. And is way more calm at drop off. Which leads me to believe that at Danielle location the staff wasn’t as patient with my baby or something because it was a HUGE difference. The only reason I’m giving a 2 star review is because of the recommendation of the other daycare. My son has only been there a week and I’ve seen such a change within his demeanor and overall behavior. It was a much needed switch. So if you want a daycare that just watches your kids and expects them to stay quiet and not cry a lot and if he/she does cry a lot to potentially get kicked to the curb then this the place for you. But if you are like me and need constant updates in regards to your child, want someone who is patient and takes the time To listen to your child’s needs then seek childcare elsewhere!

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