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Information for The Honey Lantern, a Family Child Care in Boulder CO:

Provider Name: The Honey Lantern
Approximate Location: 1330 Alpine Avenue, Boulder CO 80306
Contact Phone: (303) 870-5677
Website: Face book page: The Honey Lantern
Description: The Honey Lantern is a unique blend of child care home and child care center. I am licensed as a family child care home, however I am located in what used to be a child care center. The majority of the old center is in tact so The Honey Lantern has the look and feel of a preschool inside of a home. The indoor play space has several dramatic play areas, a quiet area with books and a puzzle table, open space for block building and construction, an indoor climber for toddlers, and sensory tables as well as two additional rooms. One room is an open space for nap/rest time and for indoor large motor activity on bad weather days. The other room is for eating and for doing more elaborate art projects. The outdoor space is a natural playscape where children have giant boulders to climb along with logs and a slide embedded in a hill. There is an outdoor play house and a large sandbox. There is even a spacious garden that belongs to the children and room for additional outdoor features as The Honey Lantern grows. The Honey Lantern is run by Kenny Yingling. I have a BA from Naropa University in early childhood education and 9 years of preschool/toddler care. Eight of those years were spent at this location when it was the Elm Tree where my calm and patient manner, particularly in difficult situations, had the parents dub me as "The Toddler Whisperer". I hope to resettle in this location for good and bring out the joy, wonder and curiosity of childhood for many years to come.
License Number: 1723810
Capacity: 6
Age Range: 0yr:0mo:-18yr:0mo
Rate Range: 275-1,200 per month
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Languages Supported: English, English
Type of Care: Before and After School, Daytime, Full-Time, Part-Time
Additional Information: I am just starting up my business and with 1 student enrolled thus far, I have flexibility in making schedules work.Special Needs: Social Emotional Behaviors;Respiratory Illness;Diabetes;Seizure Disorders;Physical Delays/Limitations;Food/Dietary;Cognitive Delays;Speech/Communication;Willing to Support.
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