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Massachusetts Child Daycare >> Worcester County Home Daycare >> Gendron, Renee

Information for Gendron, Renee, a Family Child Care in Oxford MA:

Provider Name: Gendron, Renee
Approximate Location: Hall Road, Oxford MA 01540
Contact Phone: 5086152173
License Number: 70313
Capacity: 10
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Full-Time;
Additional Information:

Provider First Licensed on: 11/21/2017. Financial Assistance Accepted:Contracted Slots; DCF Supportive Slots; Teen Parent Slot; Voucher.

Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Dominique on 2021-01-11 04:13:17
Comment: Renée has been my sons daycare provider since he was 6 months old, he was her first child for when she opened up her daycare. He is now almost 4(in May) I want to say that Renée has been such a positive influence on my sons every day life. He absolutely adores her and always tells me all that they do at daycare. She is the daycare provider who is by the books and I really appreciate that because that makes me know my son is okay because she continues to stay up to date with all trainings that are required. Being a single mother I wasn’t sure what I should do or the right thing but Renée has guided me and helped me on my journey of being a mother and I could not thank her enough. She would help me start a transition with my son and with sticking to the routine she helped create it was easier for me. I will forever be grateful that my son has experienced a daycare like this one. I speak for myself and I imagine the other parents at daycare but Ms.Renée has such a loving heart and makes it easy for us parents to leave our children because we know that we are leaving them in good hands and they are well taken care of. Nicholas takes home so many arts and crafts projects and holiday crafts are extra special. I am happy to have such a wonderful women role model for my son in his everyday life. I highly recommend Ms.Renée; She truly is a blessing in my sons life, as well as mine.
Rated 5 star by Daniel Gregoire on 2021-01-11 01:30:47

The review from Karen could not be further from the truth. Rene is amazing and has become a second mother to both my daughter and son, and basically a member of our family. We were introduced to her from my sister who’s daughter was watched by Rene. On interview she was the best, she had lesson plans, play areas education... the works. On top of that she felt that it was going to be a cozy, warm and loving atmosphere for our son. She has delivered on everything and more. I could not trust anyone more with my children, she cares for them as if they were her own, and my kids love her the same. Besides that, my kids learn from her as well, they are always working on learning something new... the alphabet, numbers, rafts and so much more. I am amazed at everything my kids have learned from her. I could go on an on, but just meet her and you will see for you self.

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