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Information for Kidspire Preschool, a Certified Family Child Care in Lake Oswego OR:

Provider Name: Kidspire Preschool
Approximate Location: , Lake Oswego OR 97035
Contact Phone: (503) 297-2006
Website: http://www.kidspirepreschool.org
License Number: CF502958
Capacity: 16
Age Range: 0 Years 3 Months - 5 Years 6 Months
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 07:30 AM - 05:30 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Full-time
Transportation: Near public transportation, Walking distance to school
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Concerned Family on 2021-07-29 19:41:06

We moved to Lake Oswego from San Francisco with our two kids. Our son joined Kidspire in mid-July and by his 2nd full week was asked to not return. He didn't hurt anyone or break anything. The excuse "he requires too much 1:1 time." This review provides the reader our perspective along with all the information a parent needs before submitting their child to the school. Because this is long, there is some which is perspective and some of the story which demonstrates true negligence and lack of empathy on the part of the teachers. **Background** Our son is a bright 3.5 year old. He's persistent, very verbal, very in touch with his needs, and he knows what he wants to do. His prior schooling (all during COVID) was in a locked down school in San Francisco which was, effectively, a 1 bedroom apartment. He'd never seen heat waves, trees that could be climbed, he never lived in a home with outdoor access (we lived in a 2nd story apt). Kidspire is a new world for him and, at first, we felt there was a lot of promise. **A Rough Start** Immediately after starting, our son regressed. Stop taking naps, regressed on potty training, was acting out. He's verbal so he was clear about he problem. He said to the teachers: "I'm scared.", "I ask people to play and they won't play with me." "I don't have friends." By the fourth day he napped and he was using the potty again. We felt like we were making progress after our cross-state move. A few days later, the school calls and says that he's throwing things and acting out. I asked whether he has friends, yet. They blamed his social skills. I was clear he was pro-social in SF and had many friends we'd play with on a weekly basis. We requested intros to other kids, we asked what they could do to foster relationships. No response on either of our requests. We also set the ball rolling to have an occupational therapist (OT) evaluate our son. Note this is all within the first 10 days of Kidspire. The school was aware we were working rapidly to resolve concerns. After the evaluation at our home, we followed up with the school to say results would be in but they felt he was in a really strong place but was surely needing more support. We informed the school and told the the OT wanted to come on-site at the school to help them (at our expense) the following week. The same day they called us in (before the report was completed) and asked me to come in. *The End* I went in at 4pm, the head teacher Laura was smiling waiting to notify us that they wouldn't care for our son and would "give us" a week to find new care. I was confused because they hadn't attempted any remediation, made no introductions, and failed to provide any 1:1 or small group time to help our son meet the new kids. Meanwhile, our son was outside in 95+ heat and I didn't realize what was happening. After our conversation, I went out and saw my son playing. He was beat red, hands shaking, and his body was hot to the touch. I asked to find his water and the teacher said, "his straw is in the washing machine because it fell on the floor." They left a 3yo without water for over an hour in near 100 weather in direct sun. He was sick in the car on the way home and chugged a whole bottle of water we had in the car before his half-opened eyes begged to lay down. We called an ER doctor friend to see whether we should take him to the hospital and they advised some home care to see if he recovers. Thankfully, we got his body temp down, got him to eat and put him down an hour early. At this point, I was clear I wanted my son out of this school for my own reasons. Since they notified us, they stopped updating the apps with what's happening with our son. It's clear to us that they replaced our son the moment they saw hardship and were going through the motions until they had a new student coming. It's tragic that the school looks at kids as little credit cards. Cherry picking kids after evaluating and accepting them into their program rather than supporting kids through their struggles.

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