Home Daycare Providers
Missouri Child Daycare >> Jackson County Home Daycare >> THOMAS, JACQUELINE

Information for THOMAS, JACQUELINE , a family daycare home in Lees Summit MO:

Approximate Location: 831 S Noland Rd, LEES SUMMIT MO 64081
Contact Phone: 8167777586
Website: www.mrsjackies.com

Mrs Jackie's™ is committed to providing our community of families with quality childcare to children of all ages in an ideal atmosphere that enables children to grow mentally, physically, emotionally and confidently. Therefore it is our obligation and commitment to provide quality childcare in a safe, clean, healthy, nurturing, and nutritional environment while assisting children to grow with confidence in a multicultural and multiracial atmosphere. Along with these attributes, children will be given a positive place where they can interact with other children while feeling safe and secure in their surroundings just like their at home. Here they will be allowed the latitude to discover and explore their surroundings. This creates a naturally nurturing environment where children learn through play. In order to achieve this goal we must use other key elements such as creating positive relationships. Communication and confidentiality are some important tools we use to meet individual family needs, allowing us to recognize a child’s natural ability and any potential needs in each child’s developmental stage. Communication with parents and our community keeps us informed of each family’s needs and concerns, which in return will ensure we provide quality childcare and other resources to support your family.

DVN Numbers:  Ward  002959204, Noland 002854764, Lees summit 00262662

License Number: 002626626
Capacity: 76
Age Range: BIRTH - 5 YEARS
Rate Range: 250.00 and up
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri, Saturday, Sunday
Normal Open Hours: -
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Daytime care, Eveing care, Night care -Drop in Care, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Part-Time
Transportation: Not Available
Additional Information:


831 S Noland rd Independence Mo 64050

450 SW Ward rd Lee Summit Mo 64081


 We also offer all CPR classes.                                                                                                                         The main one we teach all the time Adult and Pediatric First Aid/CPR/AED-r.21  $70.00 per class

http://www.facebook.com/lilmoma3724                                        https://plus.google.com/107501824504562892646/about                                              https://twitter.com/mrsjackies1                                                                            http://www.youtube.com/user/mrsjackies                                                                                      mrsjackies@yahoo.com                                                                                                      http://pinterest.com/lilmoma3724


If you want to work for Mrs. Jackie's Daycare You must have a High School Diploma, and these four classes child-abuse-and-neglect-identification-reporting-and-prevention , introduction-to-child-development , Infant Safe Sleep Practices,
Heart-saver First Aid CPR AED,  and two other childcare classes totaling  up to 18 hours in child care. You can take all classes on line except the first aid CPR class. You must also be able to pass a drug test and DESE  background check.

Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by natlie on 2019-10-13 22:49:41

she is loving and caring and gifted with children

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