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Utah Child Daycare >> Box Elder County Home Daycare >> Munoz, Amanda dba Amanda's Kid Care

Information for Munoz, Amanda dba Amanda's Kid Care, a Licensed Family Child Care in Tremonton UT:

Provider Name: Munoz, Amanda dba Amanda's Kid Care
Approximate Location: , Tremonton UT 84337
Contact Phone: 4352253451
License Number: 46434
Capacity: 16
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Momma Bear on 2018-02-24 13:15:08
Comment: Confirmed my fears about in home daycare. Worst experience ever. Amanda ended my contract early because she didnt like my kids then tried to twist it so it seemed like I ended it first so she could get a 2 week servance pay instead of reimbursing me the last week. My kids hated it there. She even admitted they did but still was trying to corner me by only givng me 5 days notice or focrcing my child to stay. She forced my 5 year old to take naps who never takes nap. Others who watched my kids say they we easy and Amanda made them sound so bad when they are 3 and 5. But they were also the only ethic kids there. Don't recommend this daycare. The first week she closed down and left everyone without a daycare option for a whole week but sure collecet and kept everyones money and they make you pay for extra activities on top of the tuition. This place is not warm or welcoming at all. She only cares about money not the kids in my opinon. There has to be a better place in this town that actually is in it for the children.
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