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Ohio Child Daycare >> Cuyahoga County Home Daycare >> REED, MARCIA

Information for REED, MARCIA, a Licensed Type B Family Child Care Home in Garfield Hts OH:

Provider Name: REED, MARCIA
Approximate Location: 5910 TURNEY RD, GARFIELD HTS OH 44125
Contact Phone: 2162694474
License Number: 959332573
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 07:00 AM to 05:30 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Transportation: Field TripsField TripsField TripsField TripsField TripsField TripsField Trips
Additional Information: After School Care Available;
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Jalisa on 2021-04-16 02:03:53

She was a great provider for my 3 yr old son, she kept me updated on his daily activities, I brought my son everyday and he loved her home daycare and I got to see him grow with learning his letters and numbers and talking more. Miss Marcia really provided him a safe, nurturing, clean, fun, and loving environment and she would always let me or my husband know if she was taking him to the library, playground, or zoo and invited us to join. She is a great teacher, I would highly recommend!

Rated 5 star by Jalisa on 2021-04-16 02:01:39
Comment: She was a great provider for my 3 yr old son, she kept me updated on his daily activities, I brought my son everyday and he loved her home daycare and I got to see him grow with learning his letters and numbers and talking more. Miss Marcia really provided him a safe, nurturing, clean, fun, and loving environment and she would always let me or my husband know if she was taking him to the library, playground, or zoo and invited us to join. She is a great teacher, I would highly recommend!
Rated 1 star by APRIL on 2019-08-06 21:18:59
Comment: She very unprofessional and she call me at work for every little thing. She barley did outing with my two year old. When he first started her second shift she explained they well do outdoors activities. I would not recommend taking your child .
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