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California Child Daycare >> San Mateo County Home Daycare >> HUNG, HUI LIN

Information for HUNG, HUI LIN, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in San Mateo CA:

Provider Name: HUNG, HUI LIN
Approximate Location: Bahia St, SAN MATEO CA 94403
Contact Phone: (650) 208-1063
Website: https://www.i-immersion.org/nihao-school
Description: i-Immersion is California’s one-and-only B-Corp certified language institute, providing Spanish and Mandarin classes to children as well as training and workshops to language and after school educators. We pride ourselves in providing socially responsible services and products that allowed us to earn the honorable "B Corp certified" title. Our unique teaching style and innovative after-school management tools allow families to enjoy foreign languages at the convenience of their child's school or a designated site. We offer innovative programs to the community- iiSchool™, iiSchool™, iiCamp™, and iiCare™. Each program teaches foreign languages through an engaging curriculum referencing the 5C’s world language standards, a variety of songs and games, and a team of dedicated educators who are passionate about languages and cultures.
License Number: 414004801
Capacity: 14
Age Range: 3 months
Rate Range: 9 yrs old
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri
Normal Open Hours: 8am-6pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Languages Supported: English, Mandarin, Spanish
Type of Care: After School, Daytime
Transportation: To/From School
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