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Information for Pappadellis, Marie, a Family Child Care in Easthampton MA:

Provider Name: Pappadellis, Marie
Approximate Location: 106 West Street, EASTHAMPTON MA 01027
Contact Phone: 4133366231
Website: www.partnersforcommunity.org
License Number: 66368
Capacity: 6
Age Range: 4mos- 4 years
Rate Range: 800- 1500
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: 7:30 AM-5:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Languages Supported: English, English
Type of Care: Full-Time and Part-Time; After School;
Transportation: Not Available
Additional Information: Provider First Licensed on: 07/17/2015. :Sibling Discount.Financial Assistance Accepted:Sibling Discount.
Reviews: There are 6 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Marie on 2024-03-08 18:58:01
Comment: I am writing in response to "Jess" I am so sorry you had this experience w a daycare provider. It was not I that you spoke w. I have no idea who you are. I have never and would never speak to customers that way. I do in fact have openings for ages 4 months to 4 years. So please contact me. 413 336 6231 if you are still in need of daycare. And that review was very detailed, you should get a side job as a reviewer.
Rated 1 star by Wish we had never used her on 2023-11-22 00:33:26
Comment: We had a really negative experience and found the process of working with Marie to be really difficult. She seemed very overwhelmed by the children in her care. We would not recommend at all.
Rated 1 star by Jess on 2023-09-06 23:10:16

My child has not attended daycare here but the way I was spoken to on the phone by the provider was completely unacceptable. I called inquiring about a slot for a future child. My husband and I are planning to adopt through DCF which means we will be pre-adoptive parents who are fostering until the adoption goes through. We know the child will be under two and that the child will not be living with us until at least November- beyond that we don’t know much. So right now this is like our “pregnancy” of sorts- we are setting up a bedroom, collecting gear, getting on childcare waitlists, etc… the first thing Marie said to me when I mentioned “foster” was sorry I don’t take vouchers. I then pointed out to her we won’t necessarily need to use a voucher. We are hoping to use the voucher DCF offers foster families but it’s not required. We just need daycare so we can both work and want to get on as many waitlists as possible. I did inform her though that Winnie lists her as having financial aid available which would have been convenient. She then stated well I only take 15 months old and up. We said our good byes. Then she called me back and let me know she couldn’t find what I was talking about online so I directed her to Winnie, once again. Then I explained to her I really just want to be put on her waiting list for the age group she references because I’m worried about finding childcare. My bio daughter goes to the other daycare on her road and it would be so convenient if they were both at that daycare when we start daycare for the foster child but that might not be possible given availability so it would be nice to at least have them on the same road. She then declared, “well I charge $9/ hour. Can you afford THAT?!” I did the math and calculated that for full time care it would be about $1200/month give or take 100 bucks. I used to pay $1350 for my oldest so not an unheard of amount- seems steep for a family daycare but average range for daycare, overall. I pointed this out to her, that her rate seems average overall, to which she declared, “oh not it’s NOT!” And then hung up on me. Marie was completely inappropriate. It was obvious Marie had incorrect assumptions about vouchers, foster care, and me overall, and if I were a parent who actually didn’t have the means to pay for daycare, I would have felt totally stigmatized. As it was, I felt stigmatized for considering fostering a child and felt that my future foster child would be stigmatized and unfairly judged by attending this daycare. I would not recommend considering Marie for your child. This is not the attitude of someone who actually cares for children but of someone judge mental and cruel who will treat anyone who doesn’t live up to her ideal poorly. FYI Marie- my husband and I are both master’s degree holders and although we don’t make a brag worthy amount of money, we do make well over six figures between the two of us and would have had NO problem paying $1400/month for childcare. We used to pay over $2000/month for a nanny. We are incredibly kind and loyal people who treat the ones who care for our children with deep gratitude and love. Treating people poorly will attract people to you who will treat you equally poorly. I hope you read the is review and change your attitude. The loss is yours

Rated 5 star by Happy Parent on 2019-03-31 01:02:36
Comment: Excellent care given to my toddler by Marie. She is attentive and fun and is always creative with day to day activities. We have been at Marie's for a year and a half and our little guy is happy as can be .
Rated 5 star by mpapp on 2019-03-30 15:56:43
Comment: There is a fake review on this site. Contact owner for information and references.
Rated 1 star by Concerned parent on 2017-09-22 14:10:50
Comment: Terrible experience, my kid always came back in a wet diaper, I started counting the diapers in the bag, well turns out she maybe changed him once in the 7 hours in her care, he always acted starved when I would get him home also would scream when I would drop him off, keep your children away from her,also I have heard from another former client that Marie spends all of her time on Facebook stalking her many enemies instead of caring for children.
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