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Information for NIXON, MEGAN, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in Stockton CA:

Provider Name: NIXON, MEGAN
Approximate Location: , STOCKTON CA 95215
Contact Phone: (209) 351-5149
License Number: 393620928
Capacity: 14
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Real Linden Mom!! on 2019-02-06 06:49:24

LMAO!!! The person that posted that comment two years ago was NOT a smart cookie. Let's look at a couple of things that stand out about their post.... Shall we... 1) She makes no sense, what parent would know the information that they supposedly do and continue to send their children there? REGARDLESS IF IT's THE ONLY CARE THEY HAVE!! This post screams a competitor lol because Cherry Tree Daycare has been soooo successful (there almost always is a waiting list because she is the best in town AND Moms have been know to brawl over time spots lol). 2. Why wouldn't this mother report her facility if there is supposed abuse and even more so alcohol and drugs? AGAIN no sense, this review is obviously false and the person should really be ashamed of themselves. If they need business that bad, maybe they should look at how Cherry Tree does business, and if it's not about business, lol sorry you didn't get the spot you wanted during signs up. Cherry Tree always makes it fair and so all can participate in the sign up process. It blows me away that this post was even allowed on here for so long. The only reason I cam across it was to try and get an address for Cherry Tree Daycare quickly and came across it. You can bet I made sure I took the time to come back and correct the evil person's comments above. People like that need to be prayed for!!! Cherry Tree Daycare is amazing. Just ask anyone in town lol She will also tell you the other daycares in the surrounding area that are also good if she is full. lol I bet someone wasn't on the referral list lol and decided to try and ruin her when instead lmao she still has a waiting list and is very very successful. She is proud to see some of her Cherry Tree students off to college and is still very much part of the family once you take your kids here!!! So sorry Cherry Tree, this post goes to show your an awesome daycare center cause no one listened!!!!!!

Rated 1 star by LindenMom on 2016-10-20 04:53:40
Comment: I have been taking my 2 kids to cherry tree daycare since it was located off of JackTone Rd and ever since the first day my children started going there they have come home with marks and bruses on there arms and sometimes on their backs... i have seen bruses and marks from when one of my kids falls down or is playing and takes a spill but these marks are just different... its almost like if you use your hand and reach under the arm and sqeeze it leaves the same marks but only temporary red marks not bruises like theyve had... And to get marks and bruises on your back is actually kind of hard to do if you know your childs playing habits and clumsyness... Ive since told my children if the daycare staff is hitting you or being very rough to tell me and they have said things to me that ive held inside being as i dont want to lose the only daycare option i have right now... Another thing ive noticed sometimes when i would pick up my kids, is the owner Megan has smelt of alchohol and didnt realize it maybe from either drinking so much or just thought she was invisible to everyone... Not only smelling like it i have been able to tell just by looking into her face and the way she would talk to me and tell me about the kids day that day... Im not going to say this for sure but there has been a couple times where shes had white powder or residue on one side of her nose and the only thing i can think of would be cocaine? I dont see how flour would get on one side of your nose in a perfect circle while baking cookies. Just a heads up to anyone new trying to get in here!! Watch her and you can tell when somethings not right..
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