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Delaware Child Daycare >> Kent County Home Daycare >> RADCLIFFE, ANNETTE D

Information for RADCLIFFE, ANNETTE D, a Licensed Family Child Care in Camden Wyoming DE:

Approximate Location: MUD MILL ROAD, CAMDEN WYOMING DE 19934
Contact Phone: (302) 463-1012
Capacity: 9
Age Range: 6 weeks through 12 years.
Normal Open Hours: 07:00 AM - 06:30 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Level II
Additional Information: Financial Arrangements: Purchase of Care, Child Care Food Program; Regulated Services: Level II, Night Care; Stars Rating: Starting with Stars; Reported Injuries & Deaths: 2018: 1 facility injury. No facility deaths reported.;
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Mahasin1 on 2016-10-22 23:17:32
Comment: My son started this daycare in September. He had only been attending her home daycare for two weeks when I began noticing he was smelling like dog. I obviously was aware that there were dogs in the home because I heard them barking however I was not aware and never told that my son would be sleeping with the dog on his mat and would be sitting with dog on the couch. Low and behold as I started questioning my son he said the dog would also lick his face. I contemplated speaking with her about my concerns but I was advised to speak to the state and I did. Of course I was told my complaint would be anonymous. I never had a complaint about her as a person, I just did not think it would very sanitary to allow the child to sleep with the dog...etc. Needless to say my son got very sick and I'm not sure if it was related to her home or not but he returned on Thurs and I was given a letter that stated your children will come in contact with the dogs. Then Friday I pick him up at the end of the day and I am told he has one we'll left as she is changing her hours. When I asked further she then switches her story and said it was due to my child's behavior. Specifocally she said because she asked him to go to the potty and he did not want to go. I was never contacted nor informed that his behavior was a problem. And might I add just a week prior she said his behavior was great and he was one of the good kids. This women should not be in the business of childcare. She does not care about your child if she will kick them out because of her own faults. Please do not send your child there.
Rated 1 star by Moms1 on 2016-03-24 18:10:22
Comment: My son had a poor experience at this Daycare. The lady who runs it came off nice at first but she is just as rude as her husband who she lets watch the kids without informing the parent. The house started smelling like wet dog as soon as the weather began warning up bcuz they have two big dogs that bark a lot. My son got a rash and flea bites while there and the caregiver let him get bullied by another bigger older kid. I would pick my son up and see a scratch on his face and marks on his body when it was bath time. My son was always very hungry every time I picked him up. He was vomiting and had a temp of 102.7 and nobody called me or attended to his medical needs. I addressed all of my concerns and instead of the lady apologizing and offering a solution to the issues, she threw my son out and refused service( as if I would take him back to that horrible place) they do not follow state policy and procedures. Most importantly they do not look out for the welfare of each individual child. I would not recommend this daycare to anyone who isn't ok with a halfway job of watching and protecting your baby.
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