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Information for Josephine Chooi Chan, a Registered Family Child Care Home in Gaithersburg MD:

Provider Name: Josephine Chooi Chan
Approximate Location: 112 Middle Point Ct, Gaithersburg MD 20877
Contact Phone: (301)875 8140
Website: https://choochooslearningchildcare.wordpress.com

My name is Josephine Chan. I was born and raised in Kuala Lumpur, capital of Malaysia, where I lived until the summer, May 2007. Have to make the decision to move to the United States, much to consider of my four children future. We moved to the United States and settled in Gaithersburg, Maryland.

When I become a mother and embarking on my teaching career for 15 years in Preschool classroom in my country before I came to the United States because I have children of my own to nurture and care for. I became more aware of children, who don’t have the support and nurturing. This created in me great concern about children and lit the flame and desire to return my teaching career path after they have grown up. I am entering the teaching arena with a renewed idea of what I would like to achieve as an educator.

License Number: 252130
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 6 weeks to 4 year olds
Achievement and/or Accreditations: NAFCC Accreditated, Maryland EXCELS, Maryland Credentialing and CDA
Days of Operation: Monday-Friday
Normal Open Hours: Monday-Friday January-December
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Languages Supported: English, Chinese, Cantonese
Type of Care: Daytime, Full-Time, Part-Time
Transportation: Field Trips
Additional Information:


Young children learn through play and exploration. Our program fosters that learning process by providing a safe and secure environment for each child regardless of the level of ability. Our program also invites each child to reach their potential in the major developmental areas such as physical, social, emotional, and cognitive/language. Family participation is an intricate piece to the program. Through the diversity of our members and families, the children in our program have a better understanding of the world around them. All of these experiences for the children are presented with a well-rooted understanding of the developmentally appropriate practice.



Our goal is to provide high-quality child care by creating a safe, healthy, and caring environment that promotes the physical, social, emotional, and cognitive development of your child, as well responding to the needs of your family. We partner with parents; working together to help our children grow happy, healthy, and strong, and building a relationship of mutual trust and respect.

Our mission is creating and building a children program where the needs and interests of children come first. A place where children will receive the attention and care that they need to grow and learn at this important stage of their lives; where children feel safe and secure, and where parents can take comfort in knowing that their children are receiving the highest level of care.

We know how hard it is to leave your child in our care, but please rest assured that your child will be cherished and kept safe while you are away.


Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Jenny A on 2021-07-31 16:46:04
Comment: After visiting and calling several home daycares, I was getting worried I wouldn't find the right place for my child. And then I was recommended to Josephine. When we arrived, my daughter immediately took to her. She was clear about a day in her daycare. Her home was emaculate and clean. Her personality made me genuinely comfortable for the first time after so many options. I would 100% recommend Josephine. She is clear, flexible and a good person. It upsets me as a parent that someone gave her a bad review over money that is very clearly stated in the contract. While it's not my business, it is bothersome as Josephine is the last person who deserves such a review. Thank you Josephine for all you do to care for our children. Truly. Jenny
Rated 4 star by Kay Lee on 2019-07-24 12:32:08

I am very thankful, my son 9 months went to Choo Choo's Learning Childcare program. Josephine was really taken good care of him. She's a wonderful and understanding woman, I love her family and her program were the best experience for the first mom. She has given me a lot of advice and thought about how to raise a child. This was my child's first time experiencing great family childcare and he enjoyed every moment at her program. She is a very patient, attentive, knowledgable, understanding, and loving teacher. I don't have to worry when I leave my son with her. Thank you so much.

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