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Information for RANDLE, ROBIN G, a Day Care Home in Chicago IL:

Provider Name: RANDLE, ROBIN G
Approximate Location: W 83RD ST, Chicago IL 60620
Contact Phone: 7733299649
Website: www.firstmindschicago.com

First Minds Chicago supports the motto "where uniqueness is embraced" and we appreciate the entire family makeup of each individual child. Children are encouraged to learn by embracing their differences and appreciating the differences of others.

License Number: 535637
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 6W TO 12Y
Rate Range: varies
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri, Saturday
Normal Open Hours: 6am-midnight
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: Before and After School, Daytime, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Part-Time
Transportation: Field Trips, To/From School
Additional Information: Night Care Available;
Reviews: There are 2 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Naomi Boyd on 2020-12-02 12:47:36
Comment: Being a working mother of three who values family, respect, and education; I instinctively seek these values out when placing the growth of my children in the care of others. First Minds is not just a babysitter that sees that your child is fed; it is a center of care where the core focus is the development of the child's mind. Interactive learning and lesson plans catered to each child's indivifual method of learning, while teaching the importance of self and value of others, occurs daily. To know that Mrs. Randle not only loves what she does but loves who she does it for is a commodity well needed.
Rated 5 star by Gail Nicole King on 2020-11-11 22:47:38
Comment: Mrs. Robin Randle is an Excellent Daycare Provider! When you walk inside her establishment the energy of LOVE is filled in the atmosphere (not to mention VERY, VERY, CLEAN). Robin is very compassionate about her kids & her job. When the kids are dropped off, they feel like they are @ home. They are greeted each day with a GOOD MORNING & Smile. She teaches them and work with them on their level & have plenty of activities for them & also gives them a GOOD MEAL. I couldn’t ask for another daycare provider because Mrs. Robin Randle daycare ROCKS!!!
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