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Information for Busy Bees Child Care, a FAMILY DAY CARE HOME in San Diego CA:

Provider Name: Busy Bees Child Care
Approximate Location: 561 Third Ave, San Diego CA 92139
Contact Phone: 619-427-2337
Website: www.busybeeslearntoread.com

We strive to bring the importance of early literacy in a child’s first 5 years of life. It is our responsibility to prepare children for what's to come in Kindergarten by providing them the tools and skills they need to meet all requirements for their age if not exceed them.

We find all areas in a child's development extremely important and vital to each child's success. However, we’d like to add one more that we find equally important. The early foundations of reading give children the power to read fluently and with ease which will later ensure they begin their first few years in school at a proficient level of academic performance. Why is this important to us? Having experience teaching elementary school, there is nothing more disheartening than observing children fall out of love with learning when they struggle to meet grade level expectations. 

At Busy Bees Child Development Center, you will find teachers using professional teaching strategies in the most natural and fun environment possible. We do this to prevent the struggles many children have their first year in kindergarten when their sense of self confidence diminishes as they struggle to meet the standards their peers are achieving around them. No child should fall out of love with learning simply because they were not prepared for school. At Busy Bees, children have the start every child deserves.

License Number: 376701395
Capacity: 26
Age Range: 2 years - 5 years
Rate Range: 250 per week
Achievement and/or Accreditations: Cleared Teaching Credential; Director's Permit
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri
Normal Open Hours: 6am-5:30pm
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Languages Supported: English, Spanish
Type of Care: Daytime, Drop-in Care, Full-Time, Part-Time
Transportation: Field Trips
Additional Information:

Every child deserves a strong start in life. In a safe and nurturing environment, we will provide an early childhood program that adheres to each child's needs in all areas of development. Lessons and activities will be planned by credentialed teachers with the whole child in mind. Our team is dedicated to providing a stimulating and engaging environment that will inspire children to explore and discover new things.

Please visit our website at www.busybeeslearntoread.com

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