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Information for TINBERG, CINDY , a Day Care Home in Berwyn IL:

Provider Name: TINBERG, CINDY
Approximate Location: 6539 28TH PL, BERWYN IL 60402
Contact Phone: 7085141227
License Number: 531847
Capacity: 12
Age Range: 6W TO 12Y
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Liza S on 2016-06-21 13:33:45
Comment: We are delighted to recommend Cindy Tinberg. Our daughter was under her care for more than 2 years and we always knew she was in good hands. Cindy provides a warm, nurturing, and safe and rich learning environment for young children. From the moment our daughter started, Cindy helped her be comfortable and made it easier for her to establish a bond. Even though she had some anxiety at first, Cindy patiently helped her feel comfortable during this transition, and also provided support and guidance to us as parents! She provided lots of warm hugs and delicious homemade food! Under her care, we noticed our daughter's development flourish. We were so excited when our daughter started saying “thank you” and “please” as a result of the encouragement she received at the daycare. Cindy has a way to make learning fun, and has a way to extend that joy to the children and their families. Cindy is very invested in the well being of the children she cares for. It has felt like having an additional part of the family, another adult who truly cares about your child, is able to provide input and support, and to participate in the joys of every milestone she has reached. Cindy’s in home daycare program provides an environment that feels more like a family. My daughter, who is an only child, felt like she was in a home with her other siblings. It is clear that Cindy loves what she does, and she is extremely knowledgeable and nurturing. She has an excellent approach to teaching, supporting and nurturing the children. It is incredible how children of different ages are able to nap peacefully under her care, often times much better than in their own homes. It was so helpful to get individualized input from Cindy about my daughter, how her day was like, and other issues that came up, something that does not happen in bigger daycare centers. Cindy’s lovely home has plenty of space for children to play, learn, nap, and share. She provides a daily structure that really helps children be ready for school once they are done with daycare. The lessons she teaches resonate strongly with my daughter, and she often quotes “Miss Cindy” when she talks, showing how much she has learned and how much she values her input. Cindy Care also has very talented and caring staff and we are truly grateful for the way they have cared for our daughter. We recommend Cindy to the fullest!
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