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Oregon Child Daycare >> Lane County Home Daycare >> Brighter Beginnings

Information for Brighter Beginnings, a Family Child Care in Eugene OR:

Provider Name: Brighter Beginnings
Approximate Location: , Eugene OR 97405
Contact Phone: 541-343-1843
Age Range: 1 year to 4 years 11 months
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 07:30 AM - 06:00 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Additional Information: Extended Hour Care: Occasional early morning,Occasional evening,Occasional overnight,Occasional weekend(s),Flexible am,Flexible pm
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Brad on 2017-08-30 03:57:30
Comment: AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!! Here is my final text exchange with Debra, the provider who runs this facility. It should be pretty self explanatory. I am a firefighter/paramedic in the area. I was upset when I wrote this but I feel that it is a fair summary of my experience. "Hi Deb, this is Brad. Dylan will not be coming back after today. Your ethical conduct in how you've mislead, made false promises, and bald-faced lied to us is deplorable and you should be ashamed of your self. Additionally, how this has affected our son is truly disturbing. Over then next few days and weeks, I am going to launch a Facebook group, and utilize as much social media as I can think of, dedicated to protecting other families from your business practices and inability to work with children typical two year old children. Every firefighter, EMS, social worker, and hospital worker in Lane County will know that "Brighter Beginnings" is the last place you want to bring your child. Any agency that we can report you too, we will. DHS, the Chamber of Commerce, any I can think of. You have children that bite, which you can't control, your home is not reasonably childproofed by your own admission, and your unlicensed operation is in need of inspection and review for safety, at the very least. Additionally, I'm sorry you couldn't be bothered to watch Dylan for an additional four days at a reasonable or fair rate. Charging us for nearly half a month for four days is deplorable. If that kind of discriminatory behavior isn't illegal, it certainly is unethical, especially considering the gestures made in regards to working with us through the end of September knowing that we are a working family. Your word apparently means nothing. I have never experienced, or even heard of, such horrible business practices. I am disgusted and disappointed with you as a person. You should be ashamed of yourself. Please mail us our receipts and tax paperwork immediately. Good day."
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