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Information for North End Learning, a family daycare home in Cumberland MD:

Provider Name: North End Learning
Approximate Location: 61 lavale blvd, cumberland MD 21502
Contact Phone: 3012680726
Website: https://www.facebook.com/pages/North-End-Learning-Child-Care/732561833474218?sk=timeline

North End Learning is a home family learning child care provider to the surrounding area.  We look forward to providing quality child care whether it be to provide a home away from home or somewhat more of a structured, safe, supportive and positive atmosphere for your child to play, grow and learn while you do what you need to do.

North End Learning Childcare is licensed as a family day-care with the Maryland State Department of Education, Office of Child Care (OCC) and the Regional licensing office in the area of Region 7 for Allegany, Garrett, and Washington County. My home and family members meet the health and safety standard requirements by the local licensing board, in addition to the Allegany County fire authority.

North End Learning will incorporate Ms. Stallings's experience as a lead Pre-Kindergarten teacher into the child care program. At North End Learning you child will have fun while learning. North End Learning's rates are reasonable and based upon how many hours of care you need each day. Call me today to schedule an appointment. 3012680726

North End Learning will strive to provide a well supervised, safe, balanced, functional, caring, structured environment where your child(ren) will grow, play, build strong bonds with other children under our guidance and develop at their own pace in a home-like educational setting.

Child Care Hours:

7 days a week, as need, morning, day, evening and night, to help the family unit provide balance and stability for families with unconventional work hours, who need time away such as for going to the market, for qork meetings or datenight; if youre a client of mine and your child is enrolled and I have the space, Im here. This is to serve families who work all hours and not just your average 9-5. Call me to see if I can serve your needs.3012680726

The purpose of North End Learning Childcare is to teach children of all age groups how to live life successfully. While we may be busy teaching pre-school age children the fundamentals by day, our goal is to teach all of our children how to get along cooperatively with others, what good choices are, how to make good choices, problem solving skills and how to be smart, safe, responsible and respectful! North End Learning will be an asset to each child. Each child will benefit by the knowledge and skills they learn; while having fun our children will learn to be better, more confident and aware of their ability to live successfully. There is NO "I" in "WE!" Its about compromise, sharing, good choices and (networking) cooperating with others to reach each new goal! Thank you and have a blessed day.

License Number: 01-250160
Capacity: 8
Age Range: birth-12yo
Achievement and/or Accreditations: prior Pre-K lead teacher, bachelor, cpr/first aid and many other pertinent classes passed involving the care of children
Days of Operation: Mon - Fri, Saturday, Sunday
Normal Open Hours: 5am-12am
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: No
Type of Care: After School, Before School, Before and After School, Daytime, Drop-in Care, Emergency Care, Full-Time, Pre-Kindergarten, Part-Time
Transportation: As needed
Additional Information:

"As a teacher for the board of education, I loved teaching and making a difference in the lives of my students.  And, I loved having the summers off to be able to be with my own children. So,  I came to the conclusion that teaching from home in the form of a child care facility is the answer I am looking for! Welcome to North End Learning!" -Keesha Stallings/McClellan. Married wince we opened our doors to an amazing fellow who is a great asset to our childcare.

Feel free to contact me, lead child care provider, at any time: 

Keesha Stallings/McClellan

I am available by appointment for a meet and greet. I have children of my own so I know how detremental it is to have flexibility.  You will find this here!


Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 1 star by Kate on 2024-01-26 03:29:41
Comment: This "person" operating North End Childcare has been a stone cil idiot for not changing her NEE published phone number ... For 2-1/2 years ... That, and her Daily Sched for taking care of your child? You should really look into how your child is treated for most of your child's day at WEBSITE ChildCareCenter.US I do know what it takes to have a child and bring them up with integrity.
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