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Alaska Child Daycare >> Anchorage County Home Daycare >> JOAN'S DAYCARE

Information for JOAN'S DAYCARE, a LICENSED HOME in Anchorage AK:

Provider Name: JOAN'S DAYCARE
Approximate Location: ROCKY MT CT B, ANCHORAGE AK 99504
Contact Phone: (907) 764-6834
License Number: H04061
Capacity: 8
Age Range: 0 MONTH(S) THROUGH 12 YEAR(S)
Achievement and/or Accreditations: CPR Certification, First Aid Training
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Type of Care: Family Child Care
Reviews: There are 1 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Adele on 2020-01-31 08:32:31
Comment: First let me explain. Ms Joan is truly talented at what she does. She believes on your child progressing and preparing them for school. My son was with Ms. Joan for almost 2 years and let me explain it was the best experience my son and I ever had. She shared his successes, challenges and how she was working with him. She truly makes a connection with her kids. I moved to Cali over a year ago and my son still asks for her today. We still call to say hi and that we miss her. She made such a impact with my son and his development it's unbelievable. If you have the opportunity to get a spot in her daycare do it and consider yourself lucky. You would be in for a wonderful time. And one more thing, the kids do the coolest activities and projections. It was a pleasure to work with her.
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