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Ohio Child Daycare >> Lucas County Home Daycare >> LITTLE DEBBIES DAYCARE LLC

Information for LITTLE DEBBIES DAYCARE LLC, a Licensed Type A Family Child Care Home in Toledo OH:

Approximate Location: 1920 EASTGATE, TOLEDO OH 43614
Contact Phone: 419-297-8347
License Number: 500197
Age Range: Infant, Younger Toddler, Older Toddler, Pre-Schooler
Days of Operation: Monday - Friday
Normal Open Hours: 07:30 AM to 11:30 PM
Enrolled in Subsidized Child Care Program: Yes
Additional Information: After School Care Available;
Reviews: There are 3 reviews for this provider.
Rated 5 star by Satisfied parent on 2017-06-21 23:32:40

The facility is very clean and the staff is very friendly and fair! My children love going to this daycare and always have positive things to share with us about their day and what all they did. Highly recommend!

Rated 5 star by Love love love on 2017-06-21 21:31:39
Comment: I absolutely love this daycare!!! I've used her for all of my children and other family members and friends have to. I have nothing but good things to say about mrs Debbie and her staff. They treat all their kids like their own. Everyone is so sweet and caring and the kids have learned so much. I highly recommend this daycare!!
Rated 3 star by Sad and hurt on 2017-04-21 03:17:22
Comment: Good things: clean, staff overall very caring. Not so good: hours limited, opened late many times due to staff being late. The owner, ironically, has stringent guidelines for her customers (don't be one minute past 5:30 or you'll hear about it and be charged). God help you if you're in a traffic jam. She only seemed concerned about the time the staff "clocked in" fairly rather than making me late to work at least once per week. The owner also gave my husband and I an overall impression of not being welcomed. I never figured out what it was that she had against us. We are good people that didnt deserve being treated unfairly. Our children's pictures were never put up on their cubbies like all the other children's (my 3 year old noticed.) My final straw was when we finally voiced our concern about the pictures not being put up after being there for over half a year. I waited a month and she still never put them up.I also caught her lying to us on more than one occasion. I do not recommend using her facility, unless you're okay with potentially being treated like dirt while special favors are given to other parents. You also need to be okay with waiting outside 10 minutes past when they are supposed to be open, then have her shame you for knocking on the door one minute before they open. This is the first time I've ever been displeased enough to write a negative review about ANYTHING.
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